







專欄 - 蘋果2_0


Philip Elmer-DeWitt 2012年08月28日



????畢竟,谷歌工程師直接參與開發(fā)了至少一部侵犯蘋果專利的手機(jī)(Nexus S),而且,每一部被指控的設(shè)備都運行著谷歌Android系統(tǒng)。史蒂夫?喬布斯早在兩年前就宣稱要摧毀“這個偷來的產(chǎn)品”。





????There was an elephant in the courtroom when Apple (AAPL) won its billion-dollar patent infringement awardagainst Samsung Friday, and its name is Google (GOOG).

????After all, Google engineers were directly involved in developing at least one of the phones (the Nexus S) found to have infringed Apple's patents, and every one of the accused devices was running Google's Android operating system -- the "stolen product" Steve Jobs had promised two years earlier to destroy.

????So why hasn't Apple sued Google directly?

????That's a good question. Clearly Apple made a strategic decision early on to go after the manufacturers of Android hardware -- first HTC, then Motorola, and finally Samsung -- rather than the company that designed their software platform.

????In retrospect, it was smart move. As Apple laid out its narrative for the jury in its closing arguments Tuesday, the Samsung story was an easy one to tell. Not only had the Korean manufacturer imitated Apple's designs down to the boxes the devices came in, but it left a paper trail that showed the company scrutinizing every aspect of the iPhone touchscreen for ways Apple's design decisions could improve Samsung's products.

????"The mountain of evidence presented during the trial," Apple CEO Tim Cook told employeesafter the verdict, "showed that Samsung's copying went far deeper than we knew."


????專利網(wǎng)站FOSS Patents的弗洛里安?穆勒稱:“這完全是策略問題。蘋果完全沒有理由害怕與谷歌直接對簿公堂。不過從策略上考慮,打掉其它設(shè)備制造商要更容易些。”







????Whether Google left a similar paper trail remains to be seen. Moreover, Google can claim, as it did when it was sued by Oracle, that Android doesn't produce any direct revenue for the company, so there can be zero damages. Android may generate billions of ad dollars, but that's a harder story to sell a jury.

????"It's all about tactics," says FOSS Patents' Florian Mueller. "There's no reason Apple would have to be afraid of suing Google directly. It's just tactically more convenient to go against other device makers."

????Meanwhile, Apple's legal team has plenty on its plate. One of its first tasks after Friday's big win is to ask for preliminary injunctions that would ban the sale of all of Samsung's infringing devices. A hearing for that request has been scheduled for Sept. 20. Apple may also want to reassert the patents it withdrew to streamline the case and ask the judge to speed up a second suit it filed against Samsung last January that asserts four more patents -- some of which, according to Mueller, are even more powerful than the ones it just won with.

????There are dozens of Apple v. Samsung cases around the world yet to be decided, not to mention pending suits against HTC and Motorola Mobility, now a wholly owned subsidiary of Google.

????"Apple's strategy of enforcing patents against other device makers is starting to work out, so it may stay the course," says Mueller. "It could step up its enforcement against Motorola Mobility and later go against Motorola's parent company directly."

????But, he adds, "If I were in Apple's shoes the next company I would sue is not Google, but Amazon, which has an even weaker patent portfolio than Google and sells large volumes of Android-based devices with a subsidies-centric revenue model, which is even more of a threat to Apple's margins than Google's advertising-based model."

????Amazon (AMZN). That's an elephant I hadn't even considered.







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