







專欄 - 蘋果2_0


Jennifer Abbasi 2012年10月09日



????埃塞克斯大學(xué)(the University of Essex)的心理學(xué)家安德魯?布拉茨斯基調(diào)查了幾百名蘋果用戶,試圖了解他們與自己手中蘋果設(shè)備的感情以及對喬布斯辭世的看法。結(jié)果表明,三分之一的參與者表示對自己的Mac、iPad、iPhone和iPod有很強(qiáng)烈的感情,認(rèn)為這些產(chǎn)品“在自己心中占據(jù)了很特殊的地位”。這部分人中的大多數(shù)都對喬布斯的辭世深表哀悼,和對蘋果設(shè)備沒感覺的人相比,數(shù)量高出70%。




????In the weeks following the death of Apple's CEO and co-founder one year ago today, more than a million people sent emails to an address set up by Apple (AAPL). Messages on blogs, Facebook (FB) and Twitter, and even makeshift in-store memorials, demonstrated a collective sadness at the Apple co-founder's passing. And now, Memmento.com, a new online cemetery, has not one, not two, but three competing Jobs memorials. Why do so many people who never met the man care so much that he is gone?

????Andrew Przybylski, a psychologist at the University of Essex, surveyed a few hundred Apple users about how their relationship with their devices informed their feelings about Jobs' death. A third of the participants reported feeling emotionally connected to their Macs, iPads, iPhones and iPods, agreeing with the statement that the devices "occupy a special place in my heart" -- and those people were 70% sadder about his passing than those who didn't feel the love.

????An idea called the self-determination theory used in education, sports, and gaming circles tells us that people become more psychologically involved when circumstances satisfy certain universal needs. Indeed, Przybylski found that people felt emotionally connected to their Apple gadgets -- and by extension their creator -- because the devices satisfied two of those needs, "relatedness" and "autonomy," which, he says, "strike at the heart of the purpose of computing devices: to connect us to others and to provide us with meaningful choices."

????Beyond just putting technology in people's hands, there's something unique in Steve Jobs' legacy. "I think that he delivered experiences that met and in many cases exceeded users expectations," Przybylski says. "He gave generations of scientists, students, business people, and artists tools to go farther than they thought they could."







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