







專欄 - 財富書簽


Richard McGill Murphy 2012年10月10日

《財富》書簽(Weekly Read)專欄專門刊載《財富》雜志(Fortune)編輯團隊的書評,解讀商界及其他領域的新書。我們每周都會選登一篇新的評論。

????鮑勃?迪倫能夠激勵人心嗎?作為資深迪倫粉絲,我的答案是確定無疑。上世紀80年代初期,我還是一名少年吉他迷。那時我就開始聽迪倫的音樂。當時我發(fā)現(xiàn)了《放任自流的鮑勃?迪倫》(The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan),這張專輯在我出生前兩年發(fā)行。我會坐在當時所念寄宿學校的宿舍里,在自己的先鋒卡帶機上著魔似地按倒帶和播放鍵,直到搞清楚迪倫在寫給前女友的甜苦情歌《不必多想,一切會好》(Don't Think Twice, It's All Right)中所使用的彈撥技巧。


????當然,迪倫的角色詮釋之所以有趣,只是因為他的音樂非常偉大。我從高中畢業(yè)已近30年,當我聽到極具超現(xiàn)實主義風格的《地下鄉(xiāng)愁藍調(diào)》(Subterranean Homesick Blues)、阿爾?庫珀在《像一塊滾石》(Like A Rolling Stone)開篇小節(jié)那高亢的電子琴前奏、迪倫在《弱者的歌謠》(Ballad of a Thin Man)中猛烈地詰問瓊斯先生、自己從《血之軌跡》(Blood on the Tracks)——插一句,這是我買過的分手主題專輯中最棒的一張——任意挑選一段進行彈奏,我仍然會感到興奮。

????在我最喜愛的一首歌曲中,迪倫寫道:“當救護車已經(jīng)遠去,最后唯一剩下的聲響,只有灰姑娘,在那條荒涼小街上,默默地掃地?!蔽覐奈醋哌^那《荒涼小街》(Desolation Row),而迪倫自己也沒有。但對我來說,它就跟《阿爾丁森林》(The Forest of Arden),或簡?奧斯汀筆下攝政時期英國的村落和莊園,或托馬斯?品欽筆下的占領區(qū)一樣真實。在我心目中,這些虛構(gòu)的地方在某種程度上比我前往雜貨店時走過的街道更為真實,因為我更加關心前者。


????是的,財經(jīng)網(wǎng)站市場觀察(MarketWatch.com)的專欄作家喬恩?弗里德曼就是這種觀點。他在《忘記今天:鮑勃?迪倫在(再)發(fā)明創(chuàng)造、遠離懷疑論者以及發(fā)起個人革命上的天賦》(Forget About Today: Bob Dylan's Genius For (Re)Invention, Shunning the Naysayers, and Creating a Personal Revolution)一書中寫道:“我認為,憑著他那不可思議的天賦,迪倫能夠向人們提供人生教益。弗里德曼試圖通過活潑、簡短的章節(jié)來證明自己的觀點,這些章節(jié)從迪倫那載入史冊的漫長音樂生涯中截取特定的片段,并從中提取出道德教益。

????Is Bob Dylan inspiring? As a lifelong Dylan fan, my answer is yes, absolutely. I started listening to Dylan as a teenage guitar nerd in the early 1980s, when I discovered The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan, an album released two years before my birth. I would sit in my dorm room at boarding school, obsessively hitting rewind-play on my Pioneer cassette deck until I figured out the picking pattern that Dylan used in "Don't Think Twice, It's All Right," his bittersweet sendoff to an ex-lover.

????I had zero romantic experience at the time, so it's not obvious why that particular song affected me so much. It's not like Dylan was the voice of my generation, if you can apply that portentous word to a bunch of politically disengaged preppy kids growing up in the Reagan era. But like most teenagers, I dreamed about one day putting my mark on the world. Dylan seemed cool that way: Reading about his exploits in the Sixties and later, I loved how he always seemed to stay at least one step ahead of his own generation, mutating from earnest folkie to angry rocker, from snide hipster to genial country raconteur, from holy fool to weathered bluesman. Like all great actors, he inhabited each new role with absolute conviction and then moved on to the next one.

????Dylan's role-playing is only interesting, of course, because his music is so strong. I've been out of high school for nearly 30 years, and I still get excited when I hear the breakneck surrealism of "Subterranean Homesick Blues", or when Al Kooper's towering organ riff kicks in during the opening bars of "Like A Rolling Stone," or when Dylan savages the hapless Mr. Jones in "Ballad of a Thin Man," or when I play anything off Blood on the Tracks, for my money the best breakup album of all time.

????In one of my favorite Dylan songs, he writes: "And the only sound that's left/After the ambulances go/Is Cinderella sweeping up/On Desolation Row." I've never walked down Desolation Row, and neither has Dylan. But it's just as real to me as the Forest of Arden, or the villages and manor houses of Jane Austen's Regency England, or Thomas Pynchon's Zone. In some ways, these fictional places seem more real than the physical streets that I navigate on my way to the grocery store, because I care about them more.

????So yeah, Dylan inspires me. But is he inspiring in a motivational, self-help-ish kind of way? As a cultural figure, does he belong on the same list as Horatio Alger, Dale Carnegie, Tony Robbins, Steven Covey, and Oprah Winfrey? Should we consult Dylan's life and work for answers on how to win friends, influence people, and locate our cheese?

????Yes, argues MarketWatch.com columnist Jon Friedman. "I think Dylan can teach people life lessons based on his mysterious genius," he writes on page one of Forget About Today: Bob Dylan's Genius For (Re)Invention, Shunning the Naysayers, and Creating a Personal Revolution.Friedman attempts to prove his case with short, zippy chapters that extract morals from particular episodes in Dylan's long and relentlessly chronicled career.







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