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業(yè)界熱議iPhone 5中國首發(fā)銷量破紀(jì)錄

Philip Elmer-DeWitt 2012年12月19日

iPhone 5上市首個周末銷量創(chuàng)紀(jì)錄,三天總計賣出了200萬部。此前普遍不看好iPhone 5的分析人士紛紛改變基調(diào),稱蘋果最新款手機(jī)的熱賣預(yù)示著蘋果在中國新年的表現(xiàn)將十分強(qiáng)勁。

????上周五,瑞銀集團(tuán)(UBS)的史蒂芬·米盧諾維奇寫道:“(他的)一些中國線人認(rèn)為,iPhone 5的銷量將不及iPhone 4S?!眱商旌?,花旗集團(tuán)(Citigroup)的格倫·楊寫道,供應(yīng)鏈訂單削減的報道“令人質(zhì)疑iPhone 5的實(shí)力”。

????在此之后,蘋果(Apple)宣布上周末在中國大陸售出超過200萬部iPhone 5,超過此前iPhone在中國上市的銷量——包括2012年1月在中國首發(fā)當(dāng)日引發(fā)騷亂的iPhone 4S。


????加拿大皇家銀行(RBC)的阿米特·德萊納里:iPhone 5售出200萬部。“這個數(shù)字創(chuàng)下了在中國首發(fā)周末的銷量記錄,而蘋果公司在今年年底前還將陸續(xù)登陸100個國家。在我看來,這是一個利好,因為該公司繼續(xù)超過此前的iPhone 4S發(fā)售業(yè)績,為第四季度的出色表現(xiàn)蓄勢……鑒于中國的智能手機(jī)銷售基礎(chǔ)較小,我們認(rèn)為這次創(chuàng)紀(jì)錄的銷量對蘋果公司而言是個利好。特別是此增長不包括擁有約7億用戶、7,560萬3G客戶的世界第一大移動運(yùn)營商中國移動(China Mobile)。我們此前曾經(jīng)預(yù)測,若與中國移動達(dá)成合作,中國移動頭一年將售出1,000萬到16,00萬部iPhone,這將使蘋果的每股利潤增加約3美元,股價上漲約45美元。”

????投資銀行Piper Jaffray的吉恩·蒙斯特:需求依然強(qiáng)勁,推出低價機(jī)型不可避免。“鑒于過去一周圍繞蘋果的種種消息,我們認(rèn)為主要有三點(diǎn)需注意。首先,根據(jù)我們在美國的研究,以及上周末iPhone 5在中國售出200萬部這一事實(shí),我們相信對iPhone的需求依然強(qiáng)勁。其次,對于iPhone在2013年的表現(xiàn),我們無意修改此前的預(yù)測。在新款iPhone發(fā)布后的一個季度里,供應(yīng)商削減產(chǎn)量乃是常事。盡管有些供應(yīng)商稱三月份季度產(chǎn)量環(huán)比將下降20-30%,很難判斷渠道中本身有多少庫存,因此難以對三月份的產(chǎn)量做出假設(shè)。第三,我們最獨(dú)特的看法在于,我們認(rèn)為圍繞iPhone產(chǎn)量的種種猜測恰恰表明蘋果需要推出針對新興市場的、定價較低的機(jī)型。我們預(yù)計該設(shè)備最遲將在2014年面世。

????On Friday, UBS's Steven Milunovich wrote that "some of [his] Chinese sources do not expect the iPhone 5 to do as well as the iPhone 4S." Two days later,?Citigroup's Glen Yeung wrote that reports of supply-chain order cuts "bring into question the strength of iPhone 5."

????That was before Apple (AAPL) announced that it sold more than 2 million iPhone 5s in mainland China last weekend, beating?its previous Chinese iPhone releases -- including?the iPhone 4S that triggered launch-day riots last January.

????On Monday, most of the analysts who cover the company were singing a different tune. Excerpts from their notes to clients below: (New ones on top)

????RBC's?Amit Daryanani:?Two Million iPhone 5 Sales. "This marks a record setting sales weekend in China and the Company remains on track to launch in 100 countries by the end of the year. In our view, this is a positive as the company continues to outpace the previous iPhone 4S launch setting up for a positive Dec-qtr...?With a smaller Smartphone selling base in China we believe the record sales are a positive for the company. Notably, this growth excludes China Mobile which is the largest mobile operator in the world with ~700M subscribers and 75.6M 3G customers. We previously estimated that the addition of China Mobile could add ~$3 to Apple's EPS or ~$45 to its stock price with sales of 10-16M units in its first 12 months of availability."

????Piper Jaffray's Gene Munster:?Demand Remains Strong, Lower Priced Phone Inevitable. "Given the recent noise around Apple over the past week, we believe there are three core points to take away. First, based on our work in the US and the 2 million iPhone 5s sold in China this past weekend, we believe demand for iPhone remains strong. Second, for iPhone in 2013, we remain comfortable with our iPhone estimates. Typically, suppliers reduce production in the quarter following a new iPhone release. While some suppliers suggest a 20-30% q/q step down in March, it is difficult to say what inventory already exists in the channel to make an assumption on March units. Third, and most uniquely to our point of view, we believe the bigger picture around all of the iPhone unit speculation points to the fact that Apple needs to introduce a lower priced device for emerging markets. We expect the device by 2014 or potentially earlier."







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