







專欄 - 蘋果2_0


Philip Elmer-DeWitt 2013年02月05日







????I thought Samsung's pre-Superbowl commercial-- the one featuring Seth Rogen and Paul Rudd as copy writers hamstrung by the threat of trademark lawsuits -- was quite clever. Brilliant, even.

????But I also wondered whether the inside joke it was making -- about Apple's (AAPL) long-running legal battles with Samsung -- might go over the heads of viewers who don't follow tech news as closely as I do.

????So I tested the commercial on an unscientific sample of typical TV viewers (i.e. my wife). Not only did she not get the joke, but she had no idea what the ad was trying to sell.

????Why would Samsung spend million of dollars on a commercial that fails to sell a product?

????Two words: Scott Trattner.


????特拉特內(nèi)曾擔任蘋果主要廣告代理商TBWA/Media Arts Lab的執(zhí)行創(chuàng)意總監(jiān),蘋果公司最成功的幾則廣告就是特拉特內(nèi)的手筆,其中包括連續(xù)上演的Get a Mac系列。去年八月,《廣告時代》(Ad Age)報道稱,在“Mac Genius”系列廣告停播后,特拉特內(nèi)便離開了TBWA/MAL。


????由于無法獲知這些廣告機構的內(nèi)部消息,因此Mac Genius廣告、特拉特內(nèi)跳槽與三星的超級碗廣告之間的任何聯(lián)系都純屬推測。但這依然無法阻止人們的好奇心。以下為MacDailyNews網(wǎng)站稍微帶著些偏見的預測:


“我們都知道,如果沒有史蒂夫?喬布斯拍板,蘋果的任何廣告都無法出籠。自從喬布斯不再進行審批,蘋果廣告的質(zhì)量便立刻一落千丈。利用名人來兜售一種測試功能(如Siri語音助手)是一種缺乏創(chuàng)意的偷懶行為,而且,你也看到了‘Mac Genius’廣告的遭遇。如果你真的認為在奧運會前幾天播放一次‘Mac Genius’廣告就抵得上它們在蘋果網(wǎng)站和YouTube頻道上的全部曝光量,那我們清遠把造價高昂的布魯克林大橋送給你?!?/p>

????說到YouTube,特拉特內(nèi)和三星或許會笑到最后。雖然我妻子看不懂廣告的笑點,但還是有很多人明白了它背后的意義。截至周日上午,El Plato Supreme在YouTube上的點擊觀看次數(shù)已經(jīng)達到了750萬次。


????Trattner was the executive creative director at Apple's top ad agency, TBWA/Media Arts Lab, and widely credited with some of Cupertino's most successful ad campaigns, including the long-runningGet a Mac series. In August, Ad Age reported that Trattner had left TBWA/MAL after its "Mac Genius" commercials were pulled off the air.

????Trattner's new agency? 72andSunny, whose clients include K-Swiss, Target, Activision and -- you guessed it -- Samsung.

????Without access to the inner circles of these ad agencies, any connections being made between the Mac Genius spots, Trattner's departure and Samsung's Superbowl ad are purely speculative. But that hasn't stopped anyone. Here's MacDailyNews' somewhat biased take:

????"So – just speculating here – when your marketing genius editor [i.e. Steve Jobs] dies and is no longer there to tell you it's "s..t," you immediately begin making and airing widely-panned s..t, so then you shop around your ad reel (whose quality level can be attributed to your late genius editor), quit and start working for a derivative, patent infringing, peddler of plastic s..t that's hell-bent on ripping off everything your late genius editor created – and that also has the unmitigated gall to call his products "inferior?" Sound about right to you? If so, vomitous. If not, good luck in your new endeavor, Scott!

????"We all know that nothing got on the air without Steve Jobs' stamp of approval. Once that was no longer required, the ad quality declined immediately and measurably. Celebrities hawking a beta feature [i.e. Siri] is an UNCREATIVE, LAZY move – and, you saw what happened to those "Mac Genius" ads. If you think they made a those "Mac Genius" to run once during the first few days of the Olympics only to erase all mention of them from Apple's site and Apple's YouTube channel just a few days later, we've got a nicely-priced bridge in Brooklyn with your name on it."

????Speaking of YouTube, Trattner and Samsung may yet have the last laugh. My wife doesn't get the joke, but clearly a lot of people do. By Sunday morning, El Plato Supreme had drawn 7.5 million views on YouTube.








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