







專欄 - 日月談


莫拉·法倫 2013年02月21日







????? 訴說讓人們了解當前狀況,幫助人們獲得他人的認可。

????? 討論整個團體的目標,聆聽人們的反應,這樣能幫助領導者制定策略和任務,同時發(fā)現(xiàn)可能存在的問題。

????? 聆聽讓領導者接觸到各種各樣的意見,進而豐富自己的思路。聆聽讓各方面的思路更加清晰。

????? 正如卡爾?羅杰斯所暗示的那樣,訴說能緩解壓力,增強動力,提升創(chuàng)造性。

????經(jīng)典管理書籍《組織寓言》(Inside Organizations)和《管理之神》(Gods of Management)的作者查爾斯?漢迪曾經(jīng)這樣寫道:“有時相信自己的觀點勝過他人確實是一種傲慢之舉。在偉大的領導者身上,謙遜和自信似乎兼而有之,其中包括承認錯誤的能力?!?/p>



????“When someone really hears you without passing judgment on you, without trying to take responsibility for you, without trying to mold you, it feels good. When I have been listened to and when I have been heard, I am able to re-perceive my world in a new way and go on.

????It is astonishing how elements that seem insoluble become soluble when someone listens. How confusions that seem irremediable turn into relatively clear flowing streams when one is heard."

????Carl Rogers, psychologist

????Successful leaders are often publicly recognized for what they say, but they achieve their real power by listening and asking insightful questions. To talk, to listen, and to be heard are acts that help clear confusion. Listening is an active form of caring, and it qualitatively changes the way people work together.

????Task-oriented people, especially those who have arrived in senior positions, sometimes find it hard to see how listening can help them. Listening is how leaders get people involved and connected with one another.

????? Being listened to engages people in what is going on and helps develop buy-in.

????? Talking about the organization's goals and then listening to how people respond helps a leader develop strategy and objectives and uncover possible problems.

????? Listening enriches the leader's own thinking by getting a wider range of ideas. Being listened to fosters clearer thinking all around.

????? As Carl Rogers implies, being listened to releases stress, increases motivation, and expands creativity.

????Charles Handy, author of the classics Inside Organisations and Gods of Management, writes, “Sometimes it is indeed arrogance to trust your views more than those of others. Great leaders seem to live with a mix of humility and confidence, which includes the ability to admit on occasion that they are wrong.”

????In order to connect with others, people may have to reach past feelings of busy-ness and separation. A leader committed to reaping the benefits of listening and being listened to can always find time to enjoy the people he or she works with.







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