????親愛的安妮:五月底,我就要大學畢業(yè)了。雖然在一次校園招聘會上,我與一些招聘人員聊得很投機,而且之后有四家公司對我進行了面試,但至今也沒有收到任何工作邀請。我知道,我理想中的那些公司面試了許多人,但我認為自己有很大的機會。因為我的平均分達到3.8,在校園活動中,我都是領(lǐng)導者(目前任學生會主席和曲棍球隊隊長),并且有兩次很棒的實習,得到的評價非常出色。 ????可即便如此,我總感覺,凡是能夠參加面試的人,比如我的室友,大家的簡歷都大同小異。我怎樣才能脫穎而出呢?雇主到底看重的是什么?您有什么建議嗎?——應屆求職者 ????親愛的P.M.:你提的問題很好,尤其是這些問題的答案不僅適用于應屆畢業(yè)生求職,對所有求職者而言也非常有用。首先,3.8分的平均分確實很了不起,可這對于雇主而言,或許并沒有你想象中那么重要。普華永道會計事務所(PwC)負責校園招聘的亞力克莎?哈米爾說:“我們看重的是強烈的職業(yè)道德?!边@家公司今年計劃招聘4,000名應屆畢業(yè)生,同時提供3,500個實習機會。 ????哈米爾說:“好的成績確實能證明畢業(yè)生的學習非??炭嗯Α5覀兿M衅溉娴膯T工,他們應該在‘書本學習’之外,全面發(fā)展,并且始終熱情不減?!?/p> ????你在課外活動中的優(yōu)異表現(xiàn),表明你符合上面的要求,但還有一個關(guān)鍵問題:你會如何描述自己的成就?這些成就又將如何應用到工作當中?企業(yè)租車公司(Enterprise Rent-a-Car)人才招聘東北地區(qū)負責人迪倫?施維澤說:“我發(fā)現(xiàn),每年的求職者所面臨的最大障礙就是他們的溝通技能?!逼髽I(yè)租車公司每年為管理培訓項目招聘超過8,500名應屆畢業(yè)生。 ????施維澤發(fā)現(xiàn):“許多大學畢業(yè)生在校園里參加過大量活動,也有很出色的實習經(jīng)驗。但我們發(fā)現(xiàn),他們通常都無法解釋自己做過的事情。我心目中的員工應該有一種積極的表達方式,對于自己到目前為止取得的成就感到興奮,能將曾經(jīng)的失敗視為一種學習經(jīng)驗,而不是障礙?!眮喠松?哈米爾同意這種觀點,并補充道:“這一代人都習慣了在線交流,一旦遇到求職面試這種面對面交流的場合,他們就會顯得無所適從。” ????她說道,要想解決這個問題,唯有不斷練習和請求反饋。“盡量多在其他人面前練習講述自己的經(jīng)歷,比如自己的朋友、父母、教授等等。嘗試在不同類型的人面前進行練習,因為這樣就可以得到不同的反饋。” ????如何打動面試官?下面是其他幾條建議: ?????堅持不懈。施維澤說道:“求職者要想戰(zhàn)勝競爭對手,必須通過各種方式來吸引雇主。有的求職者在招聘會上見過我們之后,會在商務社交網(wǎng)站LinkedIn上聯(lián)系我們,打辦公室的電話,還會給我們發(fā)電子郵件?!边@聽起來雖然有些令人生厭,可施維澤卻認為:“那些愿意通過各種努力來吸引我注意的人,讓我相信,他們也愿意為了完成任務而加倍努力?!?/p> |
????Dear Annie: I'll be graduating from college at the end of May, and although I've had interesting conversations with campus recruiters at a career fair and been interviewed afterwards by four of them, I haven't gotten a job offer yet. I know that each of the companies I'd like to work for is interviewing a lot of people, but I think my chances are pretty good, because I have a 3.8 GPA, have been a leader in campus activities (currently president of the Student Union and captain of the lacrosse team), and have done two solid internships, with excellent references. ??? Even so, my impression is that everybody else who gets to the interview stage -- my roommate, for example -- has a very similar resume. Do you have any advice on how to stand out? What do employers really want? --Pick Me ??? Dear P.M.: Great question, especially since most of the answers apply not just to new grads, but to anyone who's looking for a job. First of all, although your 3.8 GPA is impressive, it isn't as important to employers as you might suppose. "One thing we look for is a strong work ethic," says Alexa Hamill, who is in charge of campus recruiting at PwC. The firm expects to hire more than 4,000 new grads full-time this year, along with about 3,500 interns. ??? "Good grades do show you've worked hard at your studies," says Hamill. "But we're really looking for people who are well-rounded, and who have a passion that they have stuck with and developed that is outside of 'book learning.'" ??? Your extracurricular bona fides suggest you can check that box, but here's an essential question: How well can you describe what you've achieved, and how it might apply to the working world? "Year after year, one of the biggest difficulties I see in applicants is their communication skills," says Dylan Schweitzer, Northeast head of talent acquisition for Enterprise Rent-a-Car, which hires more than 8,500 new grads annually for its management training program. ??? "Many people coming out of college have had great activities and internships, but often we find they're unable to explain what they've done," Schweitzer observes. "I'm looking for someone to say things in a positive way, who is excited about what they've accomplished so far, and who sees the failures they've had as learning experiences, as opposed to obstacles." Alexa Hamill agrees and adds, "This generation is used to communicating online but often not as effective in face-to-face situations like job interviews." ??? The solution to that problem, she says, is practice, and asking for feedback: "Rehearse what you're going to say about your experiences with as many people as you can -- a friend, a parent, a professor. Try to practice with a wide variety of people, because you'll get different feedback from each one." ??? A few other suggestions on how to wow interviewers: ??? ? Be persistent. "Job hunters who want an edge over other candidates today need to engage employers in multiple ways," Schweitzer says. "We've had applicants meet us at a job fair, then connect with us on LinkedIn, call our offices, and send us emails." That may sound pesky, but Schweitzer says not: "The people who make a serious effort to get my attention show me they'rewilling to go the extra mile to accomplish tasks." |