







專(zhuān)欄 - 向Anne提問(wèn)


Anne Fisher 2013年03月06日

Anne Fisher為《財(cái)富》雜志《向Anne提問(wèn)》的專(zhuān)欄作者,這個(gè)職場(chǎng)專(zhuān)欄始于1996年,幫助讀者適應(yīng)經(jīng)濟(jì)的興衰起落、行業(yè)轉(zhuǎn)換,以及工作中面臨的各種困惑。

?????切記,不要只談自己。施維澤稱(chēng),當(dāng)面試官問(wèn)為什么希望到Acme公司工作時(shí),“恰當(dāng)?shù)幕卮饝?yīng)該是:‘我工作非常努力,在 ()(自行填空) 方面擁有豐富經(jīng)驗(yàn),我能在這些方面給公司做出貢獻(xiàn)?!钡f(shuō),自己經(jīng)常遇到的情況是,求職者往往都“大談特談自己。實(shí)際上,求職者應(yīng)該更多談?wù)撍麄兣c公司之間的聯(lián)系。告訴我們你能給公司帶來(lái)什么,而不僅僅是你想要什么?!?/p>





????順便說(shuō)一下,既然你提到自己已經(jīng)進(jìn)行了四次面試,有一則消息或許會(huì)讓你感興趣。據(jù)美國(guó)學(xué)院與雇主聯(lián)合委員會(huì)(National Association of Colleges and Employers)披露,面試與工作邀請(qǐng)之間的平均等待時(shí)間約為24個(gè)工作日。而在個(gè)別行業(yè),等待時(shí)間則更長(zhǎng),比如工程服務(wù)行業(yè)為30天,酒店業(yè)則是39天。最快的是計(jì)算機(jī)制造業(yè),只要等16天,就會(huì)有人問(wèn)你何時(shí)能上班?



????? Remember, it's not all about you. Schweitzer says that, when an interviewer asks why you want to work for Acme Corp., "the proper response is, 'I'm a hard-working person with experience in [fill in the blank], and here is what I want to contribute.'" Too often, he says, applicants' responses are "all about them, when it needs to be more about their connection to my organization. Tell us what you bring to the table, not just what you want."

??? ? Research each employer thoroughly. Just taking a look at the company web site won't do it. "When I ask candidates what they know about us, it's rare that someone tells me something that isn't on our web site," Schweitzer says. "A person who researches the company and mentions something else about us is someone who stands out, because he or she has done more than the typical applicant."

??? ? Emphasize your leadership skills. "Not everyone we hire is a 4.0 student with a perfect resume," says Schweitzer. "The person who is willing to work hard and put in the extra effort is going to come out ahead. For example, a military veteran with a 3.0 GPA but who has experience leading others, and is used to hard work in extreme situations, is often a better candidate than a 4.0 student who is unable to demonstrate those qualities."

??? ? Polish your online presence. When prospective employers Google you (and they will), you want them to be impressed by what they find. "A candidate's online image is so much more important than it was in the past," notes Alexa Hamill.

??? Creating the right persona in cyberspace these days goes way beyond just keeping your frat-party photos off Facebook. To help you do it right, PwC has put together a detailed (and free) online tutorial on building your personal brand, including a workbook that will walk you through it step by step.

??? Incidentally, since you mention that you've already had four interviews with recruiters, it might interest you to know that the average wait between interview and job offer is 24 business days, according to the National Association of Colleges and Employers. Companies in some industries take longer -- 30 days in engineering services, for instance, and 39 days in hospitality. Computer manufacturers are the quickest, taking just 16 days to ask when you can start.

??? Talkback: How did you get your first job out of college? If you're a hiring manager, what makes an entry-level candidate stand out? Leave a comment below.

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