







專欄 - 從華爾街到硅谷


Dan Primack 2013年06月21日

Dan Primack專注于報道交易和交易撮合者,從美國金融業(yè)到風險投資業(yè)均有涉及。此前,Dan是湯森路透(Thomson Reuters)的自由編輯,推出了peHUB.com和peHUB Wire郵件服務。作為一名新聞工作者,Dan還曾在美國馬薩諸塞州羅克斯伯里經(jīng)營一份社區(qū)報紙。目前他居住在波士頓附近。

????谷歌(Google Inc.)并購負責人唐?哈里森周二表示,谷歌可能很快會與私募股權(quán)公司合伙收購其他公司。


????《彭博商業(yè)周刊》(Bloomberg Businessweek)對哈里森給出的解釋做了一番解讀,具體如下:





????去年9月,雅虎聘請杰奎琳?雷瑟斯擔任首席發(fā)展官,她的職責之一就是負責并購。雷瑟斯過去在私募股權(quán)公司Apax Partners工作過十年,曾擔任該公司美國媒體業(yè)務部負責人。

????而且雷瑟斯也不是單槍匹馬。今年,她從私募股權(quán)界招了兩名副總裁:T.R.?紐考布【前泛大西洋資本集團(General Atlantic)雇員】和伊安?維因加頓【曾效力于私募公司戈爾斯集團(Gores Group)和私人股本投資機構(gòu)阿波羅管理公司(Apollo Management)】。她還借力雅虎董事哈利?威爾森;威爾森目前經(jīng)營著一家小型重組公司,過去曾是信用投資公司銀點資本(Silver Point Capital)的合伙人。




????Google Inc. may soon partner with private equity firms to acquire other companies, according to comments made yesterday by Google mergers and acquisitions chief Don Harrison.

????But isn't there a better option? Like adding private equity veterans to Google's (GOOG) in-house corporate development team, like Yahoo (YHOO) has done?

????Here was Harrison's explanation, as paraphrased by Bloomberg Businessweek:

????Buyout firms can assist an acquirer by providing needed financing or advice on how a target could be restructured or carved up after a deal closes. While Google may invest cash to get a return on the investment, it may also take part in a deal to acquire an asset.

????For starters, it's hard to understand why Google would ever be in need of "financing" assistance. The search giant had more than $15 billion of cash on hand at the end of Q1, which expands to $50 billion once "short-term investments" are taken into account. It also has a pretty valuable currency in its own stock, which opened trading today at $901.30 per share.

????So that leaves the "advice" piece. If Google just wants people who know how to manage complicated transactions, or maximize value from non-core assets of acquired companies, why not just hire them? Not only would Google get the desired expertise, but it also could get a different perspective on more traditional deals.

????This is basically what's happened over at Yahoo.

????Last September the company hired Jacqueline Reses as chief development officer, where her responsibilities include overseeing M&A. Reses previously spent ten years with private equity firm Apax Partners, including as head of its U.S. media group.

????And Reses hasn't been going it alone. Already this year she has hired two new vice presidents from the private equity world: T.R. Newcomb (ex-General Atlantic) and Ian Weingarten (ex-Gores Group/Apollo Management). She also leverages Yahoo board member Harry Wilson, who currently runs a turnaround and restructuring boutique and used to be a partner with credit-oriented investment firm Silver Point Capital.

????Google, on the other hand, does not appear to have any corp dev executives with significant private equity experience (a few spent time as lower-level analysts early in their careers).

????No be clear, I'm not arguing that Google needs private equity veterans in order to do good deals. Nor am I saying that private equity experience matters too much when acquiring a company that has insignificant cash flow (i.e., Tumblr).

????Instead, just pointing out that if Google believes there are opportunities out there that could benefit from private equity acumen, it needn't dilute its risk/reward by partnering with private equity firms. Just partner with their (former) partners.







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