







專欄 - 向Anne提問


Anne Fisher 2013年08月05日

Anne Fisher為《財富》雜志《向Anne提問》的專欄作者,這個職場專欄始于1996年,幫助讀者適應(yīng)經(jīng)濟(jì)的興衰起落、行業(yè)轉(zhuǎn)換,以及工作中面臨的各種困惑。



親愛的E.U.:你的經(jīng)歷是非常有趣的歷史重演。這里就有另外一個一樣的故事,芝加哥JB培訓(xùn)方案公司(JB Training Solutions)負(fù)責(zé)人布拉德?卡希說:“馬基亞維利曾寫道:‘如果不能兩全,與其被愛,不如被怕。’人們似乎忘記了第二部分。管理者應(yīng)該以獲得尊重和喜愛為目標(biāo)——但如果一定要選擇其一,那么尊重更加重要。”

????卡希參與編寫了一本新書,名為《管理者3.0:千禧一代重寫管理法則指南》(Manager 3.0: A Millennial's Guide to Rewriting the Rules of Management)。我想你對這本書應(yīng)該會很感興趣。書中主要為對扎珀斯(Zappos)、團(tuán)購網(wǎng)站Groupon、西南航空(Southwest Airlines)、谷歌(Google)和其他有大量年輕領(lǐng)導(dǎo)者的公司進(jìn)行的微型案例研究。

????美國當(dāng)前人口統(tǒng)計結(jié)果或許很快就會反映在大多數(shù)公司中:雖然在年長的同事眼中,千禧一代(1981年至2000年出生)“只是孩子”,但美國勞工統(tǒng)計局(Bureau of Labor Statistics)預(yù)測,截至2015年,職場中Y一代的人數(shù)將超過嬰兒潮一代。由于X一代的人數(shù)太少,難以填補(bǔ)嬰兒潮一代退休(每天有10,000人會達(dá)到65歲)所留下的空缺,所以許多千禧一代紛紛開始走上管理崗位。





Dear Annie: Your recent article mentioning the Peter Principle -- which dictates that people tend to get promoted beyond their level of competence -- caught my eye because I'm a little worried that it might apply to me. I'm 29 and just got moved up to a job where I'm now managing my team of account executives at an ad agency, even though they are all older and more experienced. (In fact, two of these colleagues trained me when I was hired three years ago.)

????This is really awkward. I've never been a boss before and, to tell you the truth, I'm surprised I got this job. I'm sensing a lot of resentment from several of the people who were my teammates, to the point where they seem to be dragging their feet (missing deadlines, etc.), which means I have to talk to them about their not-so-great performance lately, and I am totally dreading that. Any suggestions? -- Ethelred the Unready

Dear E.U.: Interesting historical reference, there. Here's another one: "Machiavelli wrote, 'It's better to be feared than loved, if you cannot be both,'" notes Brad Karsh, head of Chicago-based JB Training Solutions. "People tend to forget the second part. Managers should aim to be both respected and liked — but if you have to pick one, respect is better."

????Karsh is co-author of a new book you might want to take a look at, called Manager 3.0: A Millennial's Guide to Rewriting the Rules of Management. It's full of mini-case studies from Zappos, Groupon (GRPN), Southwest Airlines (LUV), Google (GOOG), and other companies with lots of young bosses.

????Given current U.S. demographics, that may soon describe most companies: Although Millennials (born between 1981 and 2000) often look to older workers like they are "just kids," the Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that Gen Y will outnumber Boomers in the workplace by 2015. Since the number of Gen Xers is too small to fill all the corner offices vacated by retiring Boomers — who are turning 65 at a rate of 10,000 a day — many Millennials like you are stepping into management jobs.

????"It's a tricky situation," Karsh notes. "But bear in mind that your uneasiness is only partly age-related. Almost every brand new boss, at any age, has doubts and jitters. It's a tough transition because you're moving beyond your comfort zone and onto unfamiliar ground."

????Moreover, regarding that resentment you're sensing, Karsh wonders whether you might not be imagining at least some of it. He has done leadership coaching at companies where "new, young managers are seeing more resentment than there really is. They see it because they expect it." Maybe there's some reason why your team has been blowing deadlines that has nothing to do with you. It can't hurt to ask.

????Meanwhile, Karsh has three suggestions for building your credibility and "proving to your team, and yourself, that you deserve this job." First, he says, "you have to acknowledge that, yes, your former teammates do have more experience than you do — but that isn't all it takes to be a boss. Things will get better, slowly, if everyone sees that you're working hard and making good decisions." Get used to the idea that winning the team's respect could take six months or even a year, Karsh adds: "There is no quick fix. It takes patience."

????At the same time, Karsh suggests, "Tap into all that experience your colleagues have. Ask for their input on decisions. Even if you decide to go a different way, acknowledge that you've considered their point of view."??

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