







專欄 - 蘋果2_0


Philip Elmer-DeWitt 2013年08月28日



????本周一大量報(bào)道都在關(guān)注史蒂夫?鮑爾默離開微軟(Microsoft)一事。假如只看其中一篇的話,我建議大家跳過卡拉?斯威舍大談此事的八卦文章,因?yàn)樗任④浥哆@個(gè)消息的節(jié)奏更輕率。我建議大家直接上本?湯普森的博客stratechery,閱讀其博文《如果讓鮑爾默執(zhí)掌蘋果》(If Steve Ballmer ran Apple)。

????在這篇帶有挑釁的博文中,前微軟Windows產(chǎn)品經(jīng)理湯普森設(shè)想,如果鮑爾默成為蘋果的新任首席執(zhí)行官,他將在今后五年有哪些動(dòng)作,首先是推出iPhone 5C。


????當(dāng)然,蘋果(Apple)內(nèi)部也少不了各種激勵(lì)措施。銷售團(tuán)隊(duì)將大力擴(kuò)充,薪水也會(huì)直接與績效掛鉤;產(chǎn)品團(tuán)隊(duì)將疲于奔命地填補(bǔ)目前蘋果產(chǎn)品線漏洞;營銷團(tuán)隊(duì)恨不得把所有人的目光都吸引過來,從高高在上的公司首席信息官到發(fā)展中國家的普通百姓,無一遺漏。為了擴(kuò)大用戶群,蘋果將不惜放低身段,全力迎合中國移動(dòng)和NTT Docomo這類有特殊要求的運(yùn)營商。如此一來,蘋果的合作運(yùn)營商數(shù)量將比三星多出一倍甚至兩倍。






????If you read only one story Monday morning about Steve Ballmer's departure from Microsoft (MSFT), skip Kara Swisher's gossipy piece about how it happened more precipitously than Microsoft let on and go straight to Ben Thompson's If Steve Ballmer ran Apple on his stratechery blog.

????In this provocative thought experiment, Thompson -- a former Microsoft Windows product manager -- imagines what Apple's new CEO would do over the next five years, starting with the rollout of the iPhone 5C:

????Ballmer .. would push out the low cost version I advocated and attack non-subsidized markets. Ballmer would do more than catch enterprise accounts that fall in his lap; he would aggressively court CIOs and make changes to the iPhone to accommodate them. Ballmer would expand the iPad range to multiple screen sizes and price points, and would push for every school district in the world to standardize on them, far more aggressively than Apple is today. Ballmer would leverage iTunes, and all those credit cards, by making a play for payments and identity. As for computers, well, the XMac might even become a reality.

????There would, of course, be handsome incentives to make this happen. Apple's sales team would be hugely expanded, and their pay directly connected to the above becoming a reality. The product teams would be pedal to the metal filling in all the holes in Apple's current lineup, and marketing would be aggressively targeting everyone from CIOs to developing nations. Apple would give both China Mobile and NTT Docomo whatever concessions necessary to gain access to their customers, and Apple's carrier base would double, perhaps even triple to Samsung's level.

????The revenue and profits would flow.

????Thompson's punchline -- which gets to the heart of the difference between Microsoft and Apple (AAPL) -- is that if Ballmer ran Apple, the company would never again ship a disruptive new product.

????Part of this he attributes to the innovator's dilemma -- Clay Christensen's idea that a company focused on maximizing profits can't pursue a successful new product because of its impact on existing profit margins. Part of it is the kind of people who are attracted to and stay with a company like that.

????But if Apple's success has proved anything, Thompson suggests, it's that measurables like profits and incentive bonuses aren't the half of it. "Things like design can't be measured," he writes, "nor can user experience. How do you price delight, or discount annoyance?"

????In the consumer market, it's the immeasurables that matter. It's the ability to surprise and delight, and create evangelists. It's about creating something that developers demand access to, and that consumers implicitly trust. The consumer market is about everything you can't measure, everything Microsoft's legion of mini-Ballmer's can't see and will never appreciate.

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