







專欄 - 人間煙火


DAVID CHARD 2013年10月09日

查大偉(David Chard)是一位領(lǐng)導(dǎo)力培養(yǎng)顧問,在亞太地區(qū)擁有30年的從業(yè)經(jīng)驗(yàn)。作為聯(lián)心管理顧問有限公司(EngagingMinds)的創(chuàng)始人,他全身心致力于通過領(lǐng)導(dǎo)力和領(lǐng)導(dǎo)策略實(shí)現(xiàn)個(gè)人和組織向敬業(yè)型轉(zhuǎn)變。他普通話流利,經(jīng)常來往中國。他的聯(lián)系方式是:info@engagingminds.biz





????? 生產(chǎn)率更高,創(chuàng)造的利潤更多,而且更安全

????? 和客戶建立的關(guān)系更為牢固

????? 待在一家公司的時(shí)間比不敬業(yè)的員工長久

????? 能促使管理層和客戶服務(wù)方面產(chǎn)生新的思路

????這項(xiàng)調(diào)查同時(shí)發(fā)現(xiàn),僅2006年,“由于員工對待工作心不在焉(占15%)而造成生產(chǎn)率下降給美國經(jīng)濟(jì)帶來的成本約為3280億美元(2.02萬億元人民幣)?!薄@還不包括那56% “不敬業(yè)”的員工。

????蓋洛普全球調(diào)查(Gallup World Survey)顯示,在員工不敬業(yè)問題上,亞洲也不例外。這項(xiàng)調(diào)查從2012年9月份開始,范圍覆蓋澳大利亞、新西蘭、韓國、新加坡、臺灣和日本。調(diào)查將員工對待工作的態(tài)度分為三類:“積極向上、勉強(qiáng)維持和痛苦不堪”。結(jié)果表明,在某個(gè)國家的調(diào)查中,61%的員工認(rèn)為自己上班時(shí)只是在“勉強(qiáng)維持”,只有34%的人對工作“積極向上”。



????1. 政策、計(jì)劃、系統(tǒng)以及流程。

????2. 系統(tǒng)盲區(qū)(以及這個(gè)盲區(qū)所引起的反應(yīng))。


????And that’s the end of partnership!

????This re-active response to the daily “stuff” that happens in the world of organizations is repeated countless times every day, all over the world. It is the main reason why organizations regularly fail to build the culture of trust and networks of partnerships that lead to high retention, high-performing teams, and high profits. And it is one of the major reasons why employees are “actively disengaged” from their work.

????In a widely read 2006 Gallup Survey on Employee Engagement (And Disengagement), Gallup researchers sought to discover which factors differed most strongly among engaged employees (29% of respondents) and those who were not engaged(56%) or actively disengaged (15%).

????The survey found that engaged employees:

????? Are more productive, profitable, and safe.

????? Create stronger customer relationships.

????? Stay longer with their companies than disengaged employees.

????? Catalyze “outside-the-box” thinking in management and customer service.

????The same survey also found that in 2006 alone, the “l(fā)ower productivity of actively disengaged workers (15%) cost the U.S. economy about $328 billion” – without taking into account the 56% of the workforce that was simply “not engaged.”

????Asia is no exception when it comes to disengaged employees, according to a Gallup World Survey from September 2012 that covered Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, and Japan. The survey explored employee satisfaction across three dimensions: “Thriving, Struggling, and Suffering.” Results showed that in one country 61%of employees fell into the “Struggling” zone, while only 34% of respondents were “Thriving” in the workplace.

????According to the Gallup report, there is a “direct link between low Career Wellbeing and low productivity and low retention.” And we all know the correlation between low retention and decreased profits.

????It’s easy to see, globally and locally, that the cost to business of disengaged employees is staggering. And it is safe to assume that disengaged employees are not experiencing thriving partnerships with others in the organization. We’d like to suggest two major areas to look to for the causes of disengagement among employees:

????1. Policies, plans, systems, processes.

????2. System Blindness (and the reactive responses that blindness engenders).

????By all means, create more enlightened policies, systems, and processes that support business success and make for happier people. But we are here to tell you that even if you do, if you overlook the second factor, System Blindness, you will continue to witness the regular breakdown of partnerships and the related loss of trust, and you are going to be paying the Trust Tax, big time.

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