







專(zhuān)欄 - 向Anne提問(wèn)


Anne Fisher 2013年11月06日

Anne Fisher為《財(cái)富》雜志《向Anne提問(wèn)》的專(zhuān)欄作者,這個(gè)職場(chǎng)專(zhuān)欄始于1996年,幫助讀者適應(yīng)經(jīng)濟(jì)的興衰起落、行業(yè)轉(zhuǎn)換,以及工作中面臨的各種困惑。




????科恩是咨詢(xún)公司談判技巧公司(The Negotiating Skills Company)的總裁,并著有一本新書(shū)《實(shí)用談判技巧》(The Practical Negotiator: How to Argue Your Point, Plead Your Case, and Prevail in Any Situation)。他表示,有的人會(huì)故意用大聲叫喊作為威嚇?biāo)说牟呗?,而你的上司?tīng)起來(lái)似乎“已經(jīng)失控,需要好好學(xué)習(xí)如何應(yīng)對(duì)壓力?!?/p>



????1. 保持沉默。科恩表示:“一言不發(fā)地坐在那里,臉上面無(wú)表情,或者帶著揶揄的表情,是一種很好的方式,可以表達(dá)出某人所說(shuō)的話或者大聲叫喊的說(shuō)話方式令你感到厭惡?!钡鹊剿潇o下來(lái),不再叫喊的時(shí)候,再繼續(xù)你們的討論。

????2. 平靜地解釋他的叫喊為什么令你煩惱。如果你感覺(jué)自己不得不說(shuō)出來(lái),可以這樣表達(dá):“每當(dāng)有人對(duì)我大聲叫喊的時(shí)候,我就很難集中精力。我感覺(jué)我們并不是在溝通?!敝赋鰡?wèn)題令你的上司感到尷尬,從而迫使他降低音量的可能性不大,但即便如此,表達(dá)出自己的想法,可以讓你不會(huì)再像以前那樣手足無(wú)措。

????3. 輕聲說(shuō)話。科恩發(fā)現(xiàn)非常有效的一種方式是,“用非常輕柔緩慢的聲音說(shuō)話。讓他聽(tīng)你說(shuō),甚至在關(guān)鍵內(nèi)容上,他會(huì)要求你提高音量?!边@種方法之所以有效,有兩個(gè)原因。首先,可以分散對(duì)方對(duì)壓力的關(guān)注,使他將注意力轉(zhuǎn)移到真正需要關(guān)注的地方,也就是你們正在討論的內(nèi)容;其次,雙方聲音之間的強(qiáng)烈對(duì)比也會(huì)讓他降低音量跟你說(shuō)話。

Dear Annie: My mom sent me your column about working for a manager who blames everybody else for his mistakes, but I have a somewhat different problem. I started a new job in August, and for the most part I really like it here. The thing is, I report to someone who yells when he's under pressure (which is most of the time). He's not being abusive or insulting, he's just extremely emotional and loud.

????I'm not used to this, and it leaves me dumbstruck. I can't concentrate well enough to answer intelligently when someone is hollering at me. The only other person who reports to this manager, and who has been here a long time, responds by saying, "Call me when you've calmed down and we'll talk," and then leaves the room. I don't quite have the nerve to do that, and I don't want to yell back, so can you suggest some other ways to handle this? — Quieter, Please

Dear Q.P.: It seems your colleague is on to something. In any negotiation -- and make no mistake, this situation qualifies as one -- the person who is ready to walk away, even if only for the moment, holds most of the power. "The least effective thing you can do is fight emotion with emotion by yelling back at someone who's yelling at you," says Steven P. Cohen. "If one party is emotional and the other stays calm, the unemotional one has far more leverage." The trick is learning how to use it.

????Cohen is president of a consulting firm called The Negotiating Skills Company and author of a new book, The Practical Negotiator: How to Argue Your Point, Plead Your Case, and Prevail in Any Situation. He notes that, while some people use yelling as a deliberate strategy to intimidate others, your boss sounds more like "someone who's out of control and needs help learning how to cope with stress.

????"He may also be dealing with personal problems, outside the office, that affect his behavior at work. But it's not your job to be his therapist" -- so, if you're ever tempted to go there, don't.

????Instead, Cohen recommends you try one or more of these tactics:

????1. Say nothing. "Sitting there with a poker face or a quizzical expression, in absolute silence, is sometimes a good way to communicate that what someone just said -- or, in this case, how loudly he said it -- is offensive to you," Cohen notes. Wait until he runs out of steam and stops shouting before you continue the discussion.

????2. Calmly explain why his yelling bothers you. If you feel you have to speak, you could say something like, "When someone yells at me like this, it's very hard for me to concentrate. I feel as if we're really not communicating." There's an outside chance that pointing out the problem will embarrass him into lowering his voice, but even if not, having expressed what you're thinking will make you feel less like a deer in his headlights.

????3. Talk very softly. An approach that Cohen has often seen work is to "talk in a very soft voice, slowly," he says. "Make him listen to you, even to the point where he asks you to speak a little louder." This can be effective for two reasons. First, it distracts the yeller from whatever is stressing him out and shifts his attention to the content of the discussion, where it belongs; and, second, the glaring contrast between your voice and his might cause him to talk to you more quietly.

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