







專欄 - 從華爾街到硅谷


Dan Primack 2013年12月05日

Dan Primack專注于報道交易和交易撮合者,從美國金融業(yè)到風險投資業(yè)均有涉及。此前,Dan是湯森路透(Thomson Reuters)的自由編輯,推出了peHUB.com和peHUB Wire郵件服務。作為一名新聞工作者,Dan還曾在美國馬薩諸塞州羅克斯伯里經營一份社區(qū)報紙。目前他居住在波士頓附近。




????我們不知道的是,在布拉斯做出此番表態(tài)之前,已有私募基金從業(yè)者向美國證監(jiān)會提出了舉報,內容和布拉斯隨后的公開發(fā)言一致。前兩天,《克萊恩商業(yè)周刊》(Crain's New York)首先報道了這次舉報事件,但只將舉報者描述為“資深私募基金業(yè)內人士”。報道還指出,舉報者的要求是最多獲得SEC罰款所得收入的30%。

????周一早上,我和舉報者的律師喬丹?托馬斯進行了接觸。托馬斯曾在美國證監(jiān)會供職,現(xiàn)在是Labaton Sucharow律師事務所合伙人。他告訴我,他的客戶確實是一位私募基金高管(“而不是服務供應商”),這位客戶所在的公司并不知道其身份。托馬斯還說,舉報明確提到了幾家公司,但他拒絕透露具體是哪幾家。


????For decades, private equity funds have collected "transaction fees" from their portfolio companies, often related to mergers or initial public offerings. Sometimes they share with their investors, sometimes they don't. Sometimes the fees are for tens of thousands of dollars, sometimes for tens of millions. Either way, the practice gooses positive returns and lowers the losses from lousy ones.

????Back in April, however, an SEC attorney named David Blass threatened to upset the gold-plated apple cart. He gave a speech arguing that private equity firms receiving transaction fees should be required to register as broker-dealers, rather than simply as investment advisors. In short, he used private equity's own justification against it: If private equity charges transaction fees in lieu of hiring an outside investment bank, then that would mean that private equity is doing the work of an investment bank and should be similarly categorized for regulatory purposes.

????Blass's comments sent shock waves throughout private equity. Complying with broker-dealer registration is costly, and opens up a depth of regulatory scrutiny to which private equity is unaccustomed.

????What we didn't know at the time was that Blass's speech came after the SEC had received a whistleblower complaint from someone within the private equity industry, privately alleging what Blass would soon discuss publicly. The complaint was first reported yesterday by Crain's New York, which only identified the whistleblower as a "senior private equity insider," and added that he or she stands to collect up to 30% of any related proceeds from SEC penalties.

????Earlier this morning I spoke with the whistleblower's attorney Jordan Thomas, a former SEC official and current partner with Labaton Sucharow. He tells me that his client is indeed a senior private equity exec ("not a service provider") and that his or her firm is unaware of his client's identity. Thomas adds that the complaint specifically names several firms, although he declined to name them.

????Thomas says that he has no personal opinion on the appropriateness of transaction fees in general, but clearly believes that private equity firms have been violating securities laws by charging them without first registering as broker-dealers. And given how much money private equity firms are managing – not to mention those on the other sides of buyout deals – he believes greater oversight is appropriate.

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