







專欄 - Geoff Colvin


Geoff Colvin 2014年02月20日

杰奧夫·科爾文(Geoff Colvin)為《財富》雜志高級編輯、專欄作家。美國在管理與領(lǐng)導(dǎo)力、全球化、股東價值創(chuàng)造等方面最犀利也是最受尊重的評論員之一。擁有紐約大學(xué)斯特恩商學(xué)院MBA學(xué)位,哈佛大學(xué)經(jīng)濟(jì)學(xué)榮譽(yù)學(xué)位。

????《樂高大電影》(The Lego Movie)所取得的驚人成功可能不會讓人把它和蘋果公司(Apple)扯上什么關(guān)系,但其實我們應(yīng)該想到這一點(diǎn)。盡管它們處在完全不同的領(lǐng)域中,但樂高集團(tuán)(Lego Group)和蘋果公司的成功之道并無二致,都可以為我們帶來豐富的啟示。

????《樂高大電影》是一部3D兒童電影,電影里所有東西都是用小塑料塊搭建的(正如預(yù)告片略帶自嘲所說的那樣,“這是有史以來組裝的最偉大的一部電影”)。它可能不算是一個激動人心的說法,但這部電影在美國只用了不到兩周就斬獲了約1.4億美元的票房。這個成績接近、或者可能已經(jīng)創(chuàng)造了每年這個時期上映的新片的票房新紀(jì)錄??紤]到這部電影的制作成本只有約區(qū)區(qū)7000萬美元,且由于樂高品牌風(fēng)靡全球,它的全球票房將十分可觀。這部電影對樂高公司和影片的制片方華納兄弟影業(yè)公司(Warner Brothers)來說都是一個重大成功。后者(與《財富》雜志的母公司一樣)也屬于時代華納公司(Time Warner)子公司。



????樂高也正在大舉整合。它正在打造一套獨(dú)特的體系,它能在多種媒體和物理空間中借助自己的品牌創(chuàng)造更豐富的用戶體驗。這并不是老套的樂高組裝玩具的輔助營銷手段,樂高實際在每個環(huán)節(jié)上都能賺錢。電影里出現(xiàn)的人物和產(chǎn)品可能也會在樂高和卡通頻道(Cartoon Network)合拍的節(jié)目、電子游戲、遍布全球的六個樂高樂園以及十一個較小的樂高樂園探索中心(Legoland Discovery Centers)中發(fā)揮作用。

????樂高用來驅(qū)動這個商業(yè)網(wǎng)絡(luò)的角色多種多樣,絕不僅限于自家打造。它非常善于說服那些彼此是對手的公司將自己的卡通形象授權(quán)給樂高。它的玩具產(chǎn)品線角色眾多,有時代華納公司子公司DC Comics所擁有的蝙蝠俠,沃爾特迪士尼公司(Walt Disney)子公司漫威公司(Marvel)的鋼鐵俠,以及盧卡斯影業(yè)公司(LucasFilm)的尤達(dá)大師和其他星戰(zhàn)人物。這些角色都在所謂的樂高詩篇(Lego-verse)中和諧共生。整個系統(tǒng)像一個有機(jī)整體一樣茁壯成長,欣欣向榮。




????The startling success of The Lego Movie probably didn't make you think about Apple (AAPL), but it should. In their widely different worlds, the Lego Group and Apple are succeeding in the same way, with lessons for the rest of us.

????The Lego Movie is a 3-D kid flick in which the entire world is apparently made of little plastic bricks ("the greatest movie ever assembled," as the trailer wryly puts it). The description may not make your heart beat faster, but in less than two weeks it has grossed an estimated $140 million at the U.S. box office, nearing or maybe setting a record for a film released at this time of year. Considering that the movie cost only an estimated $70 million to make, and that its global prospects are extremely strong in light of Lego's globally popular brand, the film is a major win for both Lego and the film's producer, Warner Brothers, which (like Fortune's parent company) is part of Time Warner (TWX).

????So what's the link to Apple? In one word, integration. Apple has conquered the world in large part because it's the best company anywhere at integrating all the parts of the business into a knockout customer experience. Hardware, software, product aesthetics, online experience, even packaging -- at Apple they're all created simultaneously in ways that reinforce one another. Consultant Ram Charan, who leads the field in analyzing and understanding integration, explains, "Core decisions are made by integrating inputs from experts simultaneously and largely without the filters of the administrative managers of the experts."

????But doesn't every company do that? Far from it. In fact, most large organizations find this kind of integration almost impossible. That's why Sony (SNE) notoriously failed to defeat or even match Apple's iPad, though it was a far larger company at the time. It couldn't get the necessary divisions to work together, as then-CEO Howard Stringer later admitted. Steve Jobs made integration work at Apple, and he realized its importance. As he said, "Integration is the only way I could make perfect products."

????Lego is integrating. It's building a machine that creates an extended customer experience with its brand, in multiple media and physical spaces. This isn't old-fashioned ancillary marketing for Lego construction toys; Lego is making money at every step. Characters and products that show up in the movie may also play roles in programs that Lego creates with Cartoon Network, in video games, at six Legoland theme parks around the world, and at 11 smaller Legoland Discovery Centers.

????The company fuels this network of businesses with more than its own creations. It has proven extraordinarily persuasive in getting companies that compete with one another to license their characters to Lego. The company has toy lines featuring Batman, which is owned by DC Comics, part of Time Warner; Iron Man, which is owned by Marvel, part of Walt Disney (DIS); and Yoda and other Star Wars characters, owned by LucasFilm. They all cohabit peacefully in the Lego-verse, as it's called. The whole system grows and prospers as one organic unit.

????Integrating isn't easy because companies naturally generate siloes as they grow. Integrators tear them down, and the results are impressive. The rest of us had better figure out how to do it in our own organizations.







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