







專欄 - Geoff Colvin


Geoff Colvin 2014年03月05日

杰奧夫·科爾文(Geoff Colvin)為《財(cái)富》雜志高級編輯、專欄作家。美國在管理與領(lǐng)導(dǎo)力、全球化、股東價(jià)值創(chuàng)造等方面最犀利也是最受尊重的評論員之一。擁有紐約大學(xué)斯特恩商學(xué)院MBA學(xué)位,哈佛大學(xué)經(jīng)濟(jì)學(xué)榮譽(yù)學(xué)位。

????烏克蘭是一個(gè)幸福度不高的國家。這并非我的觀點(diǎn),,而是聯(lián)合國(UN)最新《全球幸福報(bào)告》(World Happiness Report)的結(jié)論。這個(gè)報(bào)告根據(jù)大量調(diào)研,對156個(gè)國家進(jìn)行幸福度排名。烏克蘭排名第87位,幸福度比拉脫維亞高一點(diǎn),比加納略低。

????烏克蘭幸福度如此之低,一點(diǎn)也不意外。在224個(gè)國家排名中,烏克蘭的出生率排在第202位,而死亡率則高居第二(僅次于南非)。人口死亡率幾乎是出生率的兩倍。理論上,一個(gè)國家可以通過吸引移民來抵消人口下降趨勢,但烏克蘭的做法恰恰相反:人口流出速度快于流入速度。 因此,烏克蘭人口不斷下降。與此同時(shí),腐敗、政治動(dòng)蕩和不穩(wěn)定對烏克蘭經(jīng)濟(jì)造成了巨大的沖擊,導(dǎo)致它目前的經(jīng)濟(jì)規(guī)模依然小于1991年從蘇聯(lián)宣布獨(dú)立時(shí)候的規(guī)模。如果你生活在那里,你也會感到不幸福。


????這就是為什么約翰迪爾(Deere)CEO山姆?艾倫、卡特彼勒(Caterpillar)現(xiàn)任CEO道格?奧伯赫爾曼和前任CEO雷?萊恩都曾告訴過我,烏克蘭對于他們的公司戰(zhàn)略有多重要。這也是為什么這兩家公司,還有Archer Daniels Midland 、嘉吉(Cargill)、杜邦(DuPont)、Mondelez、孟山都(Monsanto)以及其他美國農(nóng)業(yè)公司都在烏克蘭經(jīng)營的原因。




????Ukraine is a sad country. That's not my opinion -- well, actually it is, but setting that aside for the moment, it's also a finding of the UN's most recent World Happiness Report, which combines massive quantities of research to rank 156 nations by happiness. Ukraine is No. 87, just a bit happier than Latvia and slightly more miserable than Ghana.

????Such deep gloom is no surprise. In a ranking of 224 countries, Ukraine's birth rate is No. 202, while its death rate is No. 2 (behind only South Africa). People are dying almost twice as fast as they're being born. In theory a country can counter that population-draining effect by attracting immigrants, but Ukraine is doing the opposite: People are moving out faster than they're moving in. Thus the population is shrinking, while corruption, political turmoil, and instability have hammered the economy so badly that it's still smaller than it was when the country declared independence from the Soviet Union in 1991. If you lived there, you'd be unhappy too.

????So why would a foreign CEO care about Ukraine? For a few reasons, of which the largest may well be food. Americans of a certain vintage learned in elementary school that Ukraine is "the breadbasket of the Soviet Union," and it's still a breadbasket. Grain is in Ukraine's soul; the country's flag, a band of blue over a band of gold, symbolizes a clear sky over a field of grain. Ukraine can't consume nearly as much food as it produces. As food becomes a more contentious global issue with the world's population growing richer and more numerous, sad, shrinking Ukraine becomes more important -- economically and geopolitically.

????That's why Sam Allen, CEO of Deere (DE), and Doug Oberhelman and Ray Lane, the current and former CEOs of Caterpillar (CAT), have all told me how critical the country is to their strategies. It's also why those companies plus Archer Daniels Midland (ADM), Cargill, DuPont (DD), Mondelez (MDLZ), Monsanto (MON), and other U.S. agribusiness companies have operations there.

????Perhaps most important, it's why China last year negotiated an extraordinary 50-year deal to rent 5% of Ukraine -- 7.4 million acres, about the size of Massachusetts or Belgium. China consumes some 20% of the world's food, a share that is increasing fast, but it has only 9% of the world's arable land, a share that is declining as urbanization takes over more farmland. The country needs a piece of the breadbasket. China's official government news agency has published articles warning of threats to the country's "grain security."

????Vladimir Putin is well aware that Russia and the West aren't the only players that want a degree of influence over Ukraine.

????We'll see lots of political and military news from Ukraine in coming days, and almost none of it will mention the country's significance for the world's food supply. Let's remember that that issue is always lurking in the background.







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