







專欄 - 向Anne提問


Anne Fisher 2014年08月13日

Anne Fisher為《財富》雜志《向Anne提問》的專欄作者,這個職場專欄始于1996年,幫助讀者適應(yīng)經(jīng)濟(jì)的興衰起落、行業(yè)轉(zhuǎn)換,以及工作中面臨的各種困惑。

????2. 就公司所有層級最優(yōu)秀的明星員工而言,大多數(shù)人共同具備的三到四種品質(zhì)是什么?哈羅德說道,公司文化很大一部分在于“公司最重視、最鼓勵的員工品質(zhì)”?!斑@些品質(zhì)會告訴你,這家公司最需要的技能和行為?!崩?,如果面試官形容明星員工擅長與團(tuán)隊合作,提出新的創(chuàng)意,而你卻更擅長獨自完成任務(wù),這或許意味著你并不適合對方。

????3. 是否曾有具備這些品質(zhì)的人在此遭遇過失敗?如果有,為什么?哈羅德的一位客戶給他講了一位明星管理者的故事,他擁有成功所需要的所有品質(zhì)——他“行動迅速,以結(jié)果為導(dǎo)向,非常善于解決問題”——但他卻逐漸走向低谷,因為他“非常傲慢,控制欲強,以至于沒有人喜歡與他共事,”哈羅德說道?!斑@是一個重要的暗示,可以告訴你哪一種性格適合公司的文化?!?/p>

????4. 如果你們能對公司文化做一點改變,會是什么?哈羅德說道:“通常情況下,招聘經(jīng)理會將這個問題個人化,并且提到自己的情況。如果他或她說:‘我希望能有更多決策自主權(quán)’或者‘我希望預(yù)算不會這么緊張’你可以從中得出大量信息,幫你了解在那家公司工作的情形。


????5. 我能跟即將在一起共事的人見個面嗎?你最有可能在兩輪或三輪面試的過程中,被介紹給幾位很有前途的同事,但如果沒有,可以詢問一下,能否與他們共用午餐或一起喝咖啡。哈羅德說道,求職者有時候不敢提出這樣的請求,但大多數(shù)雇主其實歡迎求職者這么做,因為“這表明你在做盡職調(diào)查,你對下一份工作是非常挑剔的。不要忘了,公司在對你進(jìn)行面試的時候,你也在面試這家公司。”






????2. When you think about the stars here, the most distinctive talents at all levels of the company, are there three or four traits that most of them share? A big chunk of culture is “what a company values and rewards most in its employees,” Hanold notes. “Those traits will tell you the skills and behaviors the organization wants more of.” If an interviewer describes stars as great at collaborating with a team to come up with new ideas, for instance, and you’re better at working on projects alone, the fit may not be a good one.

????3. Has anyone with those characteristics ever failed here anyway? If so, why? One of Hanold’s clients told him about a star manager who had all the traits needed for success—he was “fast-moving, results-oriented, and a great problem-solver—but had flamed out anyway, because he was “so arrogant and controlling that no one liked working for him,” Hanold says. “That was an important indication of what kind of personality works in that culture.”

????4. If you could change one thing about the culture here, what would it be? “Often, a hiring manager will personalize this and refer to his or her own situation,” Hanold notes. “If he or she says, ‘I wish I had more autonomy to make decisions’ or ‘I wish I didn’t have to operate on such a tight budget,’ that implies a great deal about what it’s like to work there.”

????Hanold recommends posing all of these questions to each manager you meet during the interviewing process to see whether the answers you get are consistent—“versus the views of one or two eloquent people who sound good, but who may not be describing a common perspective.”

????5. Could I meet some of the people I’d be working with? You’ll most likely be introduced to a few prospective peers during two or three rounds of interviews, but if not, ask if you can get together with some of them for lunch or a cup of coffee. Candidates sometimes hesitate to make this request, Hanold says, but most employers welcome it, because “it shows that you’re doing due diligence, and you’re being selective about your next job. Never forget, you’re interviewing the company every bit as much as they are interviewing you.”

????The only situation in which an employer might balk at this idea, he adds, is if you’re interviewing for a job that’s currently held by someone who doesn’t yet know that he’ll be leaving. “Then, of course, there are concerns about keeping you confidential,” Hanold says. “But that’s only the case in about 25% of the searches we do.”

????It’s also smart to check out career sites like Vault.com and Glassdoor.com to see what you can glean about the culture from the comments there. “The employer brand and how that same company is actually perceived from within might be quite different, or it might be the same,” says Hanold. “But if you see a big gap between the two, and especially if there is a pattern of a lot of negative comments about one particular aspect of the culture, you can certainly ask interviewers about it.”

????If this seems like a lot of questions, it is. But, says Hanold, “interviewers like candidates who ask a lot of honest questions. It’s a sign that you’ve put some thought into it.” Good luck.

????Talkback:What aspects of a company’s culture are most important to you? Have you ever taken a job that turned out to be a bad cultural fit? Leave a comment below.

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