







專欄 - 人間煙火


查大偉 2015年05月01日

查大偉(David Chard)是一位領(lǐng)導(dǎo)力培養(yǎng)顧問,在亞太地區(qū)擁有30年的從業(yè)經(jīng)驗(yàn)。作為聯(lián)心管理顧問有限公司(EngagingMinds)的創(chuàng)始人,他全身心致力于通過領(lǐng)導(dǎo)力和領(lǐng)導(dǎo)策略實(shí)現(xiàn)個(gè)人和組織向敬業(yè)型轉(zhuǎn)變。他普通話流利,經(jīng)常來往中國。他的聯(lián)系方式是:info@engagingminds.biz








????1. 表揚(yáng)。認(rèn)可某個(gè)員工的突出貢獻(xiàn)可以有很多辦法。比如:

????? 請(qǐng)他們吃午飯,讓他們知道你多么看重他們的表現(xiàn),并衷心感謝他們的忠誠。

????? 公開表彰某人的業(yè)績,詳細(xì)介紹他們的工作,對(duì)出色完成的工作表示感激。

????? 給那些“對(duì)企業(yè)和組織做出突出貢獻(xiàn)”的人頒發(fā)“榮譽(yù)證書”。最好是在年會(huì)或戶外拓展時(shí)頒發(fā),這樣獲獎(jiǎng)?wù)邥?huì)在同儕面前露臉。

????2. 即時(shí)獎(jiǎng)金。如果沒法擢升理應(yīng)升職的員工,至少應(yīng)該按升職后年薪的20%給他們發(fā)獎(jiǎng)金。讓他們本人清楚,你是希望能發(fā)得更多的,這是在業(yè)務(wù)形勢轉(zhuǎn)好之前你最大的誠意了。也許還應(yīng)該附送一個(gè)印有他們姓名的小禮物,體現(xiàn)你的感激之情。很多人都會(huì)對(duì)這類即時(shí)獎(jiǎng)金表示感激。這樣一來,他們也不至于過于失望。

????3. 動(dòng)機(jī)氛圍。審視一下公司的工作環(huán)境,盡量讓它變得令人愉悅。各種裝飾物,更好的工作空間和辦公桌,裝備齊全、免費(fèi)提供咖啡和茶的茶水間,更長的工間休息,早晨茶水間的甜點(diǎn),更大的員工休息區(qū)……有很多辦法花錢不多,又能大大改善工作環(huán)境,還能讓那些每天要在辦公室呆上8-10小時(shí)的員工心懷感激。如果吃不準(zhǔn)該怎么做,那就問問員工,要改善工作氛圍,他們需要些什么,然后在預(yù)算內(nèi)盡力滿足他們的要求。讓大家清楚,在生意變好之前,你這么做是為了‘認(rèn)可大家的突出貢獻(xiàn)’。

????4. 慶功會(huì)。如果沒法讓每個(gè)夠格的員工都升職,那就請(qǐng)他們參加聚會(huì)或戶外拓展,為他們的出色工作開個(gè)小小的慶功會(huì)。帶大家離開公司,玩上一兩天,做些有趣有益的團(tuán)隊(duì)建設(shè)練習(xí),讓大家吃好,當(dāng)著大家的面真誠表彰他們(也許可以發(fā)個(gè)榮譽(yù)證書),告訴他們,大家這么辛勤工作又忠心耿耿,你是多么感激。請(qǐng)大家?guī)湍氵_(dá)成業(yè)務(wù)目標(biāo),這樣下一次就能更實(shí)實(shí)在在地犒勞大家了。搞一些集體頭腦風(fēng)暴,旨在提高業(yè)績,把創(chuàng)意付諸實(shí)踐,對(duì)提出創(chuàng)意的團(tuán)隊(duì)表示認(rèn)可。請(qǐng)攝影師抓拍重大瞬間,為所有人提供高品質(zhì)照片,在每張照片上都簽上你和其他高管“深表感激”這類話。

????Several Fortune China readers have recently asked the following question:

????“With a tough economy it is difficult to meet our employes’ expectation of salary increases. How can we motivate them in other ways to keep them from leaving the company?”

????This is an excellent question for leaders to consider. An even better question is “What really motivates people in an organization, besides money?”

????Good work deserves recognition when it comes time for salary reviews. And, there are times when, to keep the business afloat, leaders have to tighten their belts and find other ways to recognize strong performance. All of us like money, and, the truth is, few of us work for money alone. I once worked for 4 years in a job I loved, for relatively low pay, because it was so enjoyable. The nature of the work itself, the perks and the working environment made it worthwhile for me to stay in the job, and I was recognized as a top performer. In other words, the “Intrinsic” rewards and motivators were so high that I didn’t care too much about the “Extrinsic” motivators. Here is what these words mean, in case they are new to you:

????Intrinsic means “in the thing itself.” In other words, an intrinsic motivation comes from inside, not from outside. Examples could include values, rapport with boss and colleagues, working environment, we like the kind of work and it satisfies us in important ways. Salary is not really a factor in intrinsic motivation. We simply find the job and the working environment satisfying at a personal level.

????Extrinsic means “from outside.” Extrinsic motivations might include salary, bonuses, public recognition, job benefits, and other rewards that come from the organization.

????Retaining strong performers requires a good balance of both intrinsic and extrinsic motivational factors. Here are five ways to pump up motivational factors that may help with retention during tough times. None are guaranteed, however, there is always “something greater than zero” that you can do to show your sincere appreciation of good work.

????1. Recognition.Recognizing a person’s strong contributions can take many forms. Examples include:

????? Taking someone to lunch and letting them know how much you value their performance and thanking them for their loyalty.

????? Publicly recognizing someone’s performance with details of what they did and expressing gratitude for a job well done.

????? Certificates of Recognition for ‘extraordinary contributions to the business and the organization.” These are best presented at annual events or company retreats where the recipient will feel pride in the presence of their peers.

????2. Spot Bonuses.If you can’t afford to give deserving people a raise, at least give them 20% of the amount they would have received annually if they had received a raise. Let them know, personally, that you wish it could be more, and that until business is better, this is the best you can do. Perhaps add a personal gift with their name on it as another token of your gratitude. Many people will appreciate the gesture of a spot bonus and it takes some of the sting out of their disappointment.

????3. Motivational Climate.Take a look around at the work environment and do whatever you can to make it a more pleasant place. Redecoration, better work spaces and desks, a fully equipped pantry with free coffee and tea, longer breaks, pastries in the pantry in the morning, expanded employee lounges….there are many ways to upgrade a working environment that are not expensive and will be appreciated by those who spend 8-10 hours a day working there. If you aren’t sure what to do…ask your employees what they would like in terms of a better working climate, and, within your budget, do your best to accommodate their requests. Make it clear that you are doing this ‘in recognition of your strong contributions’ until the business improves.

????4. Celebrations.If you can’t afford to give every deserving employee a raise, invite them to a party or a retreat to simply celebrate their good work. Take them off-site for a day or two of fun, do some team-building exercises that are fun and motivating, feed them well, publicly recognize people with sincere praise (and perhaps Certificates of Recognition) and tell them how much you appreciate their hard work and loyalty. Ask them to help you achieve your business goals so that next time you can reward them in more tangible ways. Conduct group brainstorms on ways to increase business results and put the ideas into motion, recognizing the team for their ideas. Have a photographer capture key moments and provide high quality prints to all participants, personally signed “with gratitude” by yourself and other senior leaders.

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