







專欄 - 向Anne提問


Anne Fisher 2013年03月26日

Anne Fisher為《財(cái)富》雜志《向Anne提問》的專欄作者,這個(gè)職場(chǎng)專欄始于1996年,幫助讀者適應(yīng)經(jīng)濟(jì)的興衰起落、行業(yè)轉(zhuǎn)換,以及工作中面臨的各種困惑。







????The point of this conversation is to reach an agreement on how the work will be divided from now on. "Don't get too hung up on the past," Patterson suggests. "Stay focused on what happens next: 'I'll be doing this, and you'll do that. Right?' The other person may not see it that way, but you need to find out how they do see it."

????Only if that discussion leads nowhere -- if, for example, your teammate nods and smiles and goes right back to slacking off -- do you involve the boss. "Even then, don't go there on your own," says Patterson. "Take your teammate with you and ask your boss to clarify how the work is supposed to be divvied up. Again, you're not assigning blame, just seeking clarity."

????This meeting should put your coworker on notice that you're no longer willing to be, as you put it, a chump. It also may lead to a useful discussion about what (besides sheer laziness or indifference) has been keeping this person from doing his job. "Sometimes it turns out that there's an ability barrier, where the person lacks a necessary skill, so that some training is in order," Patterson notes. "Or it could be that there's some kind of personal issue, like an illness in the family, that is distracting him or causing him to always leave early."

????If the latter is the case, Patterson adds, "You might feel sorry for him, but you have to insist he find some way to work it out, most likely with some help from the boss. Fight the temptation to essentially say, 'Oh, okay, I'll keep doing your work for you.' It's not fair to you for his personal situation to make your life harder -- and, if you're not careful, you'll have put yourself in a bind that you'll never get out of."

????Good luck.

????Talkback: Have you ever worked with someone who didn't do his or her fair share? How did you handle it? Leave a comment below.

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