







專欄 - 向Anne提問


Anne Fisher 2013年06月24日

Anne Fisher為《財富》雜志《向Anne提問》的專欄作者,這個職場專欄始于1996年,幫助讀者適應(yīng)經(jīng)濟(jì)的興衰起落、行業(yè)轉(zhuǎn)換,以及工作中面臨的各種困惑。






????康曾是硅谷營銷界泰斗雷吉斯?麥肯納【蘋果(Apple)、英特爾(Intel)等公司品牌建設(shè)背后的智囊】的合伙人,目前在帕洛阿爾托經(jīng)營自己的公司BrandingPays,曾指導(dǎo)美國電話電報公司(AT&T)、惠普公司(HP)和自動柜員機(jī)生產(chǎn)商N(yùn)CR公司的高管如何宣傳自己的專長。她還曾出版過一本書——《品牌化價值:五步重塑個人品牌》(Branding Pays: A Five-Step System to Reinvent Your Personal Brand)。



Dear Annie: I read your recent column on being too shy to speak up at work with interest, because my situation is kind of similar. I work for someone who keeps bringing up my ideas in meetings with senior management before I get the chance to speak; and he talks about these solutions I've come up with as if they were his own, with no mention of me at all.

????A friend who has witnessed this tells me I need to "promote my personal brand" so that people in the company and elsewhere know that I've become something of an expert in my area, which is streamlining processes and improving operational efficiency. But it's really hard for me to blow my own horn and brag about what I've done. Isn't there some other, more subtle way of letting higher-ups know what I've contributed (without seeming to criticize my boss for swiping the credit), or should I just let it go? -- Unsung Hero

Dear Unsung: Your friend is giving you smart advice. But before you can follow it, you need to understand exactly what a personal brand is. Contrary to a widespread misconception, branding and bragging are not at all the same thing.

????"Often, people hear words like 'self-promotion' and 'marketing yourself,' and they just cringe, because they think it's about boasting, and they don't want to do that," observes Karen Kang. "But creating a personal brand is really a process of education. It's about sharing information and participating in discussions about ideas. The goal is to make decision-makers aware of what skills you have and what value you can add."

????A former partner in Silicon Valley marketing powerhouse Regis McKenna (the branding brains behind Apple (AAPL) and Intel (INTC), among others) Kang now runs her own Palo Alto-based firm, BrandingPays, and has coached executives at companies like AT&T (T), HP (HPQ),and NCR on how to become known for their expertise. She also wrote a book, Branding Pays: A Five-Step System to Reinvent Your Personal Brand.

????Once upon a time, in the pre-Internet economy, polishing your very own brand was not really necessary. After all, if you were going to spend your whole career climbing the ladder at one company, or two or three at the most, everyone who mattered already knew firsthand what you were good at. But now that job security is a discarded relic, and most people change companies (or even careers) eight or 10 times before hanging up their spurs, it's a much different world. Each of us is probably the only one keeping track of our achievements along the way.

????"We're all free agents now," says Kang. "And that doesn't work unless people make the effort to brand themselves. Anyone who's trying to launch a project, put a new team together, or reach any particular goal needs to know who's out there with the required skills and what expertise is available."

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