







專欄 - 海外追帳360


丹尼斯?衛(wèi)根 2013年10月30日







????This is a typical stall tactic used to delay making payment when a debtor is experiencing a cash flow problem. This potentially is a dangerous situation for the China exporter as the debtor may not be in business much longer if their cash flow indeed is so thin. Alternatively, the debtor may have ample cash flow, but simply uses this stalling tactic to delay payment. They use the China exporter like taking out a loan from a bank, except they do not pay the exporter any interest!

????While these may seem to be basic signals of a payment problem, too many exporters are taken advantage of by their overseas customers who know well that cultural differences cause China exporters to be shy when demanding payment for their shipments. Or the overseas buyers take advantage of the knowledge gaps of the China exporters who do not know how to protect themselves when selling into overseas markets. The cultural difference that affects this situation is that the China exporter is usually more concerned about maintaining the relationship than receiving the payment. The Chinese put great emphasis on the good relationships and saving face, so they do not want to offend or damage the relationship by pressing the buyer for payment. Rather, the exporter may accept the lower payment amount and believe they will be able to make up the loss on future orders. However; I assure you that in most cases, the buyer is aware of this cultural difference and is taking advantage of the exporter. The buyer will continue to play this game until either the exporter has finally lost too much money and cannot continue being a victim of the game, or the buyer will simply find another new exporter eager to make a sale. The buyer will then come to China and enjoy developing the new good friendship, then rreturn to their home country, order the merchandise and play the game over again with the new supplier.

????One way to avoid being led into these games is by using the credit application process mentioned here in a previous blog post. The new exporter could perhaps avoid this game because the credit application requires that the new buyer provide at least 3 credit references that they did business with using OA terms that can confirm the new buyer is an honest businessman. This is standard procedure for doing business in western countries and any legitimate businessman or woman will not be offended if they are asked to complete a credit application. In fact, if the new potential buyer becomes offended and if they refuse to provide a credit application, the likelihood that they are a cheater is very high. Why else would they be offended if they were a legitimate and honorable business person?

????Exporters should not remain idle and fall victim to these “Deadly Games Debtors Play”.

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