







專欄 - Allan Sloan


Allan Sloan 2014年03月31日

艾倫·斯隆(Allan Sloan)為《財(cái)富》雜志高級編輯。出生于紐約布魯克林,1966年畢業(yè)于布魯克林學(xué)院,次年畢業(yè)于哥倫比亞大學(xué)新聞學(xué)院研究生院。他是金融領(lǐng)域的資深記者,2008年以“"House of Junk”一文第七次獲得財(cái)經(jīng)新聞界最高榮譽(yù)杰洛德-羅布獎(Gerald Loeb Award)。









????A far bigger change came in 1999, when Goldman became a corporation with publicly traded stock. This structure let partners cash out by selling shares, as opposed to the partnership days, when Goldmanites couldn't make significant capital withdrawals until they left the firm, and had to take their payout over a period of years.

????"Being a small private partnership allowed Goldman the flexibility to make its own decisions about what was best in its own interpretation of long term, " Smith writes. "Having various outside shareholders all with their own time horizons and objectives, combined with Goldman's legal duty to put outside shareholders' (not clients') priorities first, makes the interpretation and execution of long term much more complicated and difficult."

????Mandis says he initially assumed that going public was what changed Goldman. However, he ultimately became convinced that "organizational drift" arising from the firm's rapid growth starting in the 1980s played a major role in transforming Goldman from an organization that upheld what he calls an "ethical standard" of behavior to merely a "legal standard."

????I'm not sure that "ethical standard" actually existed at Goldman, which prided itself on being "long-term greedy" -- but still greedy. And I'm not sure whether the sociological stuff matters to non-sociologists.

????My quibbles notwithstanding, this is an informative and interesting book. People who don't know what life in a big Wall Street firm is like will find the book enlightening. Mandis talks about how he and his colleagues were obsessed with work and sacrificed everything to get the job done. The Goldman environment he describes is insanely competitive. Even though Fortune recently named Goldman as one of the best places to work, if you want to become a big hitter at Goldman -- why else go there? -- you had best plan to subordinate your life to your job.

????One of my favorite parts of the book is its eight appendices, which total roughly a third the length of the narrative portion. The appendices are extremely useful. They include an outline of Goldman's history, and an 11-page list of "Selected Goldman Employees and Lobbyists with Government Positions (Before or After Goldman)." Then there's the financial voyeur's delight: the 10 pages of Appendix D that list the 221 Goldman employees who held stock when the company held its initial public offering on May 3, 1999. At the close of trading that day, the value of the shares owned by the lucky 221 ranged from $205,172,466 each for Hank Paulson and Goldman's two other biggest fish to a mere $37,304,085 for each of 57 small fry from Abby Joseph Cohen to Yoel Zaoui. The total: a bit over $18.5 billion, for an average of $83,723,195 each. And that was almost 15 years ago.

????Those numbers tell us what Goldman is about: making money. When Goldman was a private firm, its partners' incomes and wealth were closely guarded secrets. Now that information is readily available. When the numbers were private, Goldman could credibly proclaim itself to be a noble enterprise that put clients first. But with its numbers public and its business changed, people can see Goldman for what it is and probably always was: a high-performing, high-powered greed machine.

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