







專欄 - 中國(guó)會(huì)計(jì)思考


鮑大雷 2014年05月21日

鮑大雷博士是北京大學(xué)光華管理學(xué)院的特邀教授,並擔(dān)任IMBA 項(xiàng)目聯(lián)合主任。鮑博士是中國(guó)的會(huì)計(jì)和審計(jì)問題的著名專家。在加入北京大學(xué)之前,他是普華永道會(huì)計(jì)師事務(wù)所在美國(guó),新加坡和中國(guó)的合伙人。其博客網(wǎng)站是www.chinaaccountingblog.com.



????現(xiàn)如今,大陸分支機(jī)構(gòu)將必須提供人員進(jìn)行審計(jì)。我認(rèn)為,這已經(jīng)成為四大大多數(shù)審計(jì)的現(xiàn)實(shí)狀況。但此項(xiàng)條例如果付諸實(shí)施,它將凸顯出主審計(jì)師問題,上周我就曾對(duì)阿里巴巴(Alibaba)提出這樣的質(zhì)疑。根據(jù)阿里巴巴的風(fēng)險(xiǎn)披露情況,看起來,普華永道(PwC)在大部分審計(jì)過程中使用了中國(guó)大陸員工。此項(xiàng)建議將確保它們這么做,而且很可能意味著,普華永道中天(PwC Zhong Tian),而不是普華永道香港(PwC Hong Kong)簽署此項(xiàng)審計(jì)報(bào)告。




????其他受到此建議規(guī)定威脅的公司是那些已發(fā)展起強(qiáng)大的美國(guó)反向收購(gòu)上市審計(jì)業(yè)務(wù)的事務(wù)所。我認(rèn)為,這些事務(wù)所即將被擠出市場(chǎng),很多它們的客戶或許將在尋找新審計(jì)公司過程中遭遇困難。四大中國(guó)分支機(jī)構(gòu)和其他中國(guó)注冊(cè)會(huì)計(jì)師事務(wù)所都將不愿接手。 (財(cái)富中文網(wǎng))

????The South China Morning Post (SCMP) has two articles today that say that Chinese regulators are cracking down on Hong Kong firms coming into China to do audits. According to the SCMP, the proposal will require firms to use their mainland affiliates to staff engagements.

????Prior to this proposal, it was possible for an overseas firm to obtain atemporary audit practice certificate to come to the mainland to audit a specific company. The process was cumbersome and often ignored.

????Now the mainland affiliate will have to supply the staff for the audit. I believe that was already the case in most Big Four audits. But the rule, if implemented, will highlight the principal auditor issue that I raised on Alibabalast week. Based on Alibaba’s risk disclosures, it appears that the PwC was using mainland staff for a significant part of the audit. This proposed rule will simply make sure they do that, and will likely mean that PwC Zhong Tian instead of PwC Hong Kong signs the audit report.

????As the SCMP articles explain, the practice of Hong Kong firms signing mainland audit reports is institutionalized in Hong Kong, and the loss of this franchise will hurt the Hong Kong profession. I observe that all large SOE audits are signed by the Hong Kong member firm of the Big Four, even though I believe that all of them are actually audited by mainland staff.

????Mainland CPA firms have been allowed to sign H-shares in Hong Kong for several years, but all Red Chips are required to have Hong Kong auditors. The proposed rules may force a change for Red Chips as well as private companies like Tencent.

????The SCMP article observes that the proposed rules will destroy career opportunities for young Hong Kong accountants. That is true only if they do not get themselves to the mainland and pass the Chinese CPA examination. But this will have no meaningful effect on the Big Four firms - the work simply shifts to the mainland, as it mostly already has.

????The other firms that will be threatened by the proposed rules are the smaller U.S. based firms that developed a robust business auditing reverse mergers listed in the U.S. I think these firms are about the wiped out, and many of their clients may have a tough time finding new auditors. Neither the Big Four mainland affiliates nor other Chinese CPA firms will touch them.







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