







專欄 - 人間煙火


查大偉 2014年06月30日

查大偉(David Chard)是一位領(lǐng)導(dǎo)力培養(yǎng)顧問,在亞太地區(qū)擁有30年的從業(yè)經(jīng)驗(yàn)。作為聯(lián)心管理顧問有限公司(EngagingMinds)的創(chuàng)始人,他全身心致力于通過領(lǐng)導(dǎo)力和領(lǐng)導(dǎo)策略實(shí)現(xiàn)個(gè)人和組織向敬業(yè)型轉(zhuǎn)變。他普通話流利,經(jīng)常來往中國。他的聯(lián)系方式是:info@engagingminds.biz

????3. 為自己取得的進(jìn)展打廣告。拿上文中那位自稱“失意之人”的讀者來說,她的注意力顯然都放在了出色完成工作和實(shí)現(xiàn)自己的目標(biāo)上。然而,由于老板離她很遠(yuǎn),她的表現(xiàn)在老板的心里可能沒有占據(jù)太多的位置。實(shí)際上,老板也是人,而且非常忙。你們不能指望他們記住你在工作上的出色表現(xiàn),特別是在他們不會每天都見到你而他們自己又“日理萬機(jī)”的情況下。因此,就像人們常說的,“廣告值得一做”。你們可以通過下面這些辦法來引起老板的注意:

????? 每實(shí)現(xiàn)一個(gè)重大目標(biāo)就給老板發(fā)一封電子郵件,說明詳情,同時(shí)把它們跟你和老板商定的完成工作的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)聯(lián)系起來。郵件要簡短,措辭要親切,還要把這些郵件備份。

????? 每個(gè)月都向老板提交一份簡報(bào),具體說明你在向著目標(biāo)邁進(jìn)的過程中取得了哪些進(jìn)展。簡報(bào)同樣也要備份。

????? 涉及具體事務(wù)時(shí),拍張照片,然后用郵件發(fā)出去,同時(shí)備份。

????? 當(dāng)你需要建議卻找不到老板時(shí),積極地去找建議,從身邊的人那里收集思路、建議和反饋。把自己從中學(xué)到了什么,做了什么,都形成文字并打印出來,然后交給老板。自己留個(gè)備份。


????4. 堅(jiān)持定期考評。許多企業(yè)在制定了目標(biāo)后,可能只會在6個(gè)月以后對工作進(jìn)展進(jìn)行一次正式考評。如果老板身在他鄉(xiāng),這樣的做法永遠(yuǎn)也不會有什么好的效果。也許那位“失意”讀者就碰到了這樣的情況。


????5. 準(zhǔn)備好‘速勝’并為自己取得成功而慶祝。明確了自己要實(shí)現(xiàn)的目標(biāo)后,立即坐下來,開動腦筋想出兩、三個(gè)符合績效標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的“速勝”點(diǎn)。專心致志地在每年的前四個(gè)月做出這些基準(zhǔn)績效,以便實(shí)實(shí)在在地展現(xiàn)工作進(jìn)展。它們可以是一些小成就,但必須是反映工作進(jìn)展的真憑實(shí)據(jù),而且要一目了然:任何看到這些業(yè)績的人都會相信你正在沿著正確的方向加速前進(jìn)。取得一場速勝后,請幾個(gè)人來吃個(gè)蛋糕,喝上幾杯,再拍張照片來慶祝你的勝利。以此作為你“廣告攻勢”的一部分,以便讓自己一年到頭都受到老板的關(guān)注。




????? 如果你希望自己的團(tuán)隊(duì)有更好的表現(xiàn),卻又不給每一名團(tuán)隊(duì)成員設(shè)定一清二楚的績效目標(biāo),請醒醒吧,從現(xiàn)在開始就要表現(xiàn)得像一位真正的團(tuán)隊(duì)負(fù)責(zé)人。

????? 花點(diǎn)兒時(shí)間來認(rèn)真考慮一下你想要什么,你要怎樣來考評他們的表現(xiàn),這對你和你的團(tuán)隊(duì)來說都是最好的做法。人們需要清晰的績效目標(biāo),如果他們表現(xiàn)不好,你就可能丟掉工作。


????? 當(dāng)你的團(tuán)隊(duì)成員向你尋求幫助,同時(shí)要求澄清績效標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的時(shí)候,滿足他們的要求,而且還要定期向他們提供反饋并且自始至終地予以指導(dǎo)。對21世紀(jì)的老板來說,這是最低的要求。(財(cái)富中文網(wǎng))


????3. Advertise Your Progress. In the case of the frustrated reader, above, it seems clear that she was focused on doing great work and achieving her goals. But since her boss is far away in another location, its likely that her performance did not achieve a very high “Share of Mind.” The reality is, bosses are human and very busy and you cannot rely on them to simply remember your good work, especially when they don’t see you everyday and they have a thousand other things on their mind. So, as the saying goes “It pays to advertise.” Here are some ways to stay on your bosses radar:

????? Send an email every time you achieve something significant, giving specifics and linking them to your agreed success criteria. Keep it short and sweet. Save a copy.

????? Send a brief report every month with details of progress you have made towards your goals.Save a copy.

????? When there is something tangible involved, make photographs and send them via email.Save a copy.

????? When your boss is not available and you need advice, proactively seek it out, get ideas and suggestions and feedback from people in your location. Type up some notes on what you are learning and doing and send to your boss. Save a copy.

????Over time you are steadily building a strong case file, full of evidence of your good work and your commitment, and of course, your achievements. Naturally you will bring this material to your boss’s attention when it is time for a review.

????4. Insist on Regular Reviews. In many organizations, once goals are set there may be only one formal review of their progress after 6 months, or, quite often there is a review only after 12 months. If the boss is far away, that is never going to work out well. Perhaps this is what happened to our Frustrated Reader!

????What Can You Do?Arrange a 30-minute phone call with your boss at least once a month to quickly review your performance and any issues you are having. Use the opportunity to flag any issues you are having and ask for coaching and feedback. I can’t stress enough the value and importance of explicitly asking your boss, on a regular basis “How do you feel I am doing based on our agreed success criteria.” If the feedback is vague, such as “Well Done!” ask them “what, specifically did you think I did well?” Write it down. Write up a report of the call, including any positive comments and areas for improvement, and send it to your boss. Save a copy.

????5. Plan for some ‘Quick Wins’ and Celebrate Your Successes. As soon as you have clarity about the results you need to deliver, sit down and brainstorm 2-3 ‘Quick Wins’ that fit the agreed performance criteria. Commit yourself to achieving these benchmark achievement that demonstrate tangible progress within the first four months of the year. They may be small, but they need to be real evidence of progress and they need to be unambiguous: anyone seeing these results would be convinced you are achieving momentum in the right direction. When you achieve a Quick Win, get a few people together over a cake and drinks and take a photo to commemorate your victory. Use this as part of your Advertising Campaign to say on your boss’s radar throughout the year.

????From these 5 tips, its easy to see that creating awareness of your performance achievements is your responsibility and it isn’t going to happen by itself. Communication works by repetition. Let me repeat that: Communication Works By Repetition. Without becoming a nuisance, use every opportunity to maintain open communication channels with your boss and keep your good work on their radar screen throughout the year. Is this a lot of trouble? Perhaps. But successful people know that managing ongoing communication with the boss is the only way to be sure you will be fairly evaluated when its time to talk about a raise.

????Finally, to our Frustrated Reader: it may too late for this year but you could go back through the year and assemble a Case Study that demonstrates your notable achievements and the many contributions you made even though you had an Absentee Boss. Put it all in a PowerPoint and send it to your boss and ask for the chance to present your case to them. Better still, organize yourself proactively around these 5 tips and you will be much more confident of getting the recognition you deserve next year.

????A Note to the Bosses:

????? If you are hoping to get better performance from your team and are trying to do so without setting crystal clear performance objectives with each and every member, please wake up and start acting like a real leader.

????? It is in your best interests as well as your team’s best interests to take the time to really think about what you want and how you are going to evaluate performance. People need clarity to perform and if they don’t perform its going to be your job on the line.

????? Fuzzy goals will get you fuzzy performance and the best people are going to take their skills elsewhere.

????? When your team members reach out to you and ask for clarity, give it to them and give them regular feedback and coaching throughout the year. That’s the very least to expect from a boss in the 21st Century.

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