







專欄 - 向Anne提問


Anne Fisher 2012年09月19日

Anne Fisher為《財(cái)富》雜志《向Anne提問》的專欄作者,這個職場專欄始于1996年,幫助讀者適應(yīng)經(jīng)濟(jì)的興衰起落、行業(yè)轉(zhuǎn)換,以及工作中面臨的各種困惑。




????德勤咨詢公司(Deloitte Consulting)最近進(jìn)行了一項(xiàng)名為“人才2020”(Talent 2020)的研究,對最近換工作的560人進(jìn)行了深入調(diào)查。研究發(fā)現(xiàn),導(dǎo)致人們辭職最大的原因與薪酬幾乎沒有任何關(guān)系。相反,42%的人稱,最主要的原因通常是因?yàn)槠渌灸軌蛱峁└鄼C(jī)會,讓員工更好地發(fā)展技術(shù)、發(fā)揮能力。超過四分之一(27%)的人表示跳槽的原因是之前的工作缺乏職業(yè)發(fā)展前景。而21%的人由于“缺乏挑戰(zhàn)性”而選擇跳槽。


????這也正是你的工作切入點(diǎn)。顧問公司Career Systems International聯(lián)席CEO貝弗利?凱伊稱:“要留住最優(yōu)秀的員工,通常需要與他們進(jìn)行正確的溝通,而這不需要花一分錢。人們需要的是被重視的感覺,他們希望未來在你這里能繼續(xù)得到更好的發(fā)展?!必惛ダ?凱伊與他人合作出版了一本新書,名為《員工想要的職場對話:幫助成長,關(guān)注發(fā)展》(Help Them Grow or Watch Them Go: Career Conversations Employees Want)。


1. 多說“謝謝你”



2. 開始進(jìn)行“留任面談”


????Dear Annie:I liked your column about the art of quitting gracefully, but unfortunately several of my most talented and experienced direct reports seem to have read it, too. Three of them have quit (gracefully) in the past three weeks, and certain others seem less enthusiastic about their jobs than they used to be, so I'm worried about losing them as well.

????The problem around here is that we had to lay off almost half the staff during the worst of the recession and, now that business has picked up again to some extent, top management is telling us to keep right on "doing more with less." Everyone has been overworked, including me, and the same budget constraints that preclude hiring more people are also standing in the way of my being able to offer my stars more money. I can't be the only boss who's struggling with this. Any suggestions? — Low-Budget Blues

????Dear LBB:It is indeed unfortunate that you can't hand out big raises (you'd probably like one yourself, for that matter), but don't fret about it. An overwhelming majority of experts on employee retention say more money probably wouldn't help much anyway, or at least not for long.

????A new study called Talent 2020 from Deloitte Consulting, based on an in-depth poll of 560 recent job changers, says that the biggest reasons people quit have little or nothing to do with pay. Instead, what most often makes them move on is the opportunity to develop and use more of their skills and abilities elsewhere, cited by 42%. More than a quarter (27%) also cited a lack of career progress in their old jobs, and 21% mentioned "lack of challenge."

????In other words, people get bored, and the added work only exacerbates that -- especially for your best and brightest. "Employees with critical skills pose the biggest flight risk," notes Bill Pelster, a principal in Deloitte's U.S. talent services division. Retaining these folks "is not simply a human resources function," he adds. "It has to start with the C-suite and extend through every level of management, down to line managers and supervisors."

????This is where you come in. "Keeping your best people is often a matter of having the right conversations with them, which doesn't cost a dime," says Beverly Kaye, co-CEO of consulting firm Career Systems International and co-author of a new book, Help Them Grow or Watch Them Go: Career Conversations Employees Want. "People want to feel valued, and they want to see a future with you where they can continue to develop and thrive.

????"Managers don't wake up in the morning and ask themselves, 'How can I burn out my people today?'" she adds. "It just happens because everyone is so busy and so focused on the crush of the day-to-day." Kaye recommends these three strategies for keeping your stars from straying:

1. Say "thank you."

????Simple as it sounds, Kaye has observed among her clients that what she calls "the power of the thank-you" is a woefully underused resource. "People are more frustrated about being overworked if no one is telling them, 'I understand how tough this is, and I appreciate it,'" she observes.

????Nor should pats on the back be reserved for a once-a-year performance appraisal: "This should be woven into the daily texture of the work. Just saying, 'Great job!' can make someone's day. It's a gift you can give that costs nothing." While you're at it, she advises, try to tailor your attaboys (or attagirls) to people's individual preferences. "Some people revel in public recognition. Others are embarrassed by that and would rather hear 'thanks' one-on-one, in private," Kaye notes. If you don't know who prefers which, just ask.

2. Start having "stay interviews."

????All too often, Kaye observes, nobody asks what it would take to keep a key employee until the exit interview. "People end up going somewhere else to get something you could have given them, too, if you'd only known about it," she says. "But most managers never ask, 'What can we do to keep you?' until it's too late."

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