







專欄 - 決勝客戶體驗(yàn)


威廉?庫西克 2012年09月21日

威廉·卡西克(William Cusick),著有《消費(fèi)者都是非理性的》(點(diǎn)擊可查看中文版)一書,這是他在財(cái)富中文網(wǎng)的獨(dú)家專欄。同時(shí),他也是AGC Northshore公司的負(fù)責(zé)人,兼整合營(yíng)銷總監(jiān)。作者電子郵件:bill.cusick@agcnorthshore.com



????但是,如果能了解一些打動(dòng)客戶的基本原理,要做到這一點(diǎn)并非難于上青天。舉例來說,可以用“峰終定律”(Peak-End Rule)來分析、改善每位客戶的體驗(yàn)。







??????The only way you keep a customer, and get her to buy more, is to create apositive perception. And the only way a perception is created is through the customer experience – the communications, interactions, and other exposures. Create the right perception, and you can drive the desired behavior.

????Of course, building a specific perception can be tricky, and many businesses fail not only at creating an intentional perception, but even in consciously building any kind of consistent, positive experiences with their customers.

????Yet, it doesn’t have to be overly difficult if you understand some of the basics of what makes customers tick. For example, one approach you can use to analyze and improve each customer experience is to apply the “Peak-End Rule.”

????Create Positive Experiences, and Reap the Benefits

????The Peak-End Rule is a principal from psychology that describes how we all perceive and remember experiences. It states that a person will remember and gauge any experience by the “peak” of the experience, and the end.

????Here’s what that means: the “peak” of an experience is the point in the interaction that varies the most from the “norm.” In other words, that’s emotionally either the highest, or lowest, point of the experience. The other key moment is the end or the experience.

????There are several implications when looking at your customer experiences through this “Peak-End” lens. One is that you’ll find there are often only neutral or slightly negative points within certain interactions. The other is that many possible opportunities exist to pump up the perception of customers with just a little tweak to your interactions.

????A good example is the AT&T stores. They noticed that it could take several minutes (at least) after a customer entered the store for an associate to be available to help. This caused some anxiety for customers, who would sometimes wonder if they were next, and how long the wait might be. So AT&T implemented several policies, including creating a system to inform a customer how many people were already waiting, and displaying the customers on a screen so they keep track of where they were in the queue.

????But there was one very simple, powerful change that dramatically impacted customer experience: associates were required to acknowledge each customer entering the store within 10 seconds or 10 feet from the door. AT&T’s own research has shown that, by quickly greeting a customer, his or her perception measurably improves about the experience. In fact, when asked in a survey, the customer who’s greeted quickly estimates that the waiting time was shorter than it actually was.

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